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Indecisive in picking friends over a room or vice versa.

Dreee Saturday


This might be a very strange scenario I'm relaying but I'm running out of options and this is a really tough decision that I've ever had the choice of making coz usually things work out but not this time.

I'm in quite the pickle and I'm very indecisive as to what choice to make so I might as well say the story. I'm in my final year in college and I only have two close friends of same gender in uni, I'm quite lonely.

I don't know how to socialize, anyway... Our university has a strict room booking system meaning you pay first, you pick a room first so first come first serve and I've been waiting for one of my friends to pay but they're giving me this vague sense of uncertainty because they don't even know when they're paying and now she also wants me to save a bed for her because she might not resume the first week and I'm not really the aggressive type to tell people 'hey! This is my friend's spot! So don't try to take it' at all costs type of person. I'm starting to think that maybe I should pick a room by myself because I've been waiting for so long and all the good rooms are getting full....

And when I told my other friend about my concerns, she said 'we shouldn't betray her' meaning she doesn't mind waiting longer... But I'm worried, I can't control my friend's financial situation, I understand that but I really do want a good room not a stuffy room or that weird room that has leakages...

Does this make me a bad friend? Because I don't think they would want to associate with me if I pick a room without them, would they hate me? And even being with strangers I've never associated myself with, scares me... I'm not getting any reassurance from my friend, I would at least think that she'd appreciate the fact that I sacrificed so much of time to wait for her to book a room but now she wants me to defend a space for her because she doesn't know when she'll be resuming like a gatekeeper? And she's giving me a sense of more uncertainty as to when she'll pay so that we can all book a room... I understand that friendship requires sacrifice... But I'm scared to sacrifice anymore. So I can either value my friends and try picking a room together which that too works on probability as we might get separated if the rooms available can't take 3 people at once or I can split myself and room with strangers...

Oh and my uni doesn't allow lodging or living outside the school facilities. They have strict and overbearing rules.