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Do you feel this way to?

Dreee June 5th

Lately I've been stuck in an endless cycle of trying to be more productive, freezing up and then not achieving anything and procrastinating until the day ends with my thoughts swirling out of control like I just broke the universe and then I feel guilty not doing the work and I begin to hate my incompetence and put pressure on myself to reach my expectations but then you see others people that are your age and they seem to be doing really fine in being productive so what am I doing wrong? Why isn't it working?

Keineahnung123 June 6th

@Dreee Hey Dree, i kinda feel a little bit relieved right now, cause i feel exactly the same. I cant really get myself to really do something and dont accomplish something, which of coures leads to low selfesteem ( cause why would i be proud of myself?)

But others seemm to do it so easily. i think we have to keep in mind that we just see the best of other persoms. they show their success, but ofc no woune would show them struggling, not knowing what do do or procrastinating. But i think everyone does this to some extend. we cant see their struggles, but its very unlikely we are alone with those struggles.

One day we'll figure out how to get better and move forward, we just have to keep triying on our way

Tinywhisper11 June 7th

@Dreee hi sweetie ❤ I was doing the same thing alot. But I realised my brain works a bit differently, so I was telling myself, "right tomorrow I need to do this finish that then do this"  but then in the morning i was dreading it and I'd have a sort of mental block, saying I can't do this today. So now instead I don't plan what needs to be done, and I wake up with the mindset today is a new day, I have all the time in the world, so let's see what to say brings. With that mindset the things that needed doing didn't seem so daunting and I was able to complete things. Perhaps changing your mindset will work for you to. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤ good luck