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L Virtuoso 4 3415
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
A Certified Mind Coach with 3+ Years Experience. However, I do not provide professional advice over here. I am an active listener and can comfortably lead important conversations to form a solution I will give you undivided attention when you talk about whatever's on your mind. We'll focus on what's important, whatever your needs may be. Whether it's finding peace within yourself, successfully moving forward after a change in career or relationship status or just improving your interactions with people on a day-to-day basis. I believe we are all here to learn, bond and grow :) Feel free to talk about anything , I'm here to listen :) and I'm here for you till we figure it out to the end! Shared Humanity is beautiful ❤️
L Master 11 1353
4.5 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
I been pulling myself out of dark places alone since I was a child am built for anything. People like me don't have people, we are the people that people have People with kind hearts and soft spirits are often seen as weak within society. But they're some of the strongest people you'll encounter; even with the trauma and pain they've experienced, they're able to still prevail and bring light to others who are experiencing darkness. Trauma makes you tolerate a lot of things you don't deserve because you don't want to lose people. Healing makes you realise some people don't deserve to be in your life, no matter how much you love them. Healing does not happen overnight. It takes time and effort but it is worthwhile. Be patient and gentle with yourself. Keep choosing to rest, self-care, and give yourself self compassion as needed. Even when it doesn't feel like you're making progress: keep going. One day you will look back and see how far you've come. It's quite simple really, I cannot help others if I do not help myself first.I have worked so hard on myself, perfected my craft, developed an unreal skillset and achieved recovery. This means I am able to help others, l am able to share my skills and abilities with my peers and fellow warriors around the world by inspiring each individual. I am in an incredibly privileged and honoured position, helping people gives me an unbelievable rewarding feeling.I was born to help others, this life of mine was chosen, I had to earn it via many tests I have had thrown at me.This was my destiny, my purpose in life.It provides me with so much satisfaction knowing I am helping people.I have been through so much but I'm only just getting started. If your sad, please reach out and talk to someone, let those who love and care about you be there for you, they truly want to . If you are lonely, surround yourself with people who love you, remember if you are lonely when you are surrounded by others, then maybe you are in the wrong company • When you feel like you are not enough ,you truly are worth so much. Love who you are and never apologise for the wonderful human being that you are. When you are sick, I hope you feel much better soon. Maybe your body is telling you that you are way to awesome and you need to slow down a little and let every one else catch up with you . When you are happy, share it, Happiness is like a beautiful kiss, It has to be shared to be truly enjoyed. Remember, be kind ... Always . To both yourselves and to others. The simple act of kindness can make such a difference to someone else day . Big hugs to anyone who needs one LET ME BE CLEAR.... for years I let everything slide - BUT now I have boundaries. You don't get to talk down to me. You don't get to smile in my face & secretly despise me. You don't get to throw jabs at me "innocently" through jokes. You don't get to use me. One thing about it, actions don't lie. I was too busy trying to keep the peace and that's where I disrespected MYSELF. I deserve the love I give freely to everyone around me... ""'m alert enough to catch the shade, and HEALED enough to go on about my day" just don't step to me.... RESPECTFULLY No one really tells you how hard it is to rewire your mind to allow amazing things to happen after experiencing so much trauma and pain. Blessings exist, good people exist, and a softer life exists. Allow yourself to experience it. "It's easy to look back and question decisions you have made in the past, but it's unfair to punish yourself for them. You can't blame yourself for not knowing back then what you know now, and the truth is you made each decision for a reason, based on how you were feeling at the time. As we grow up we learn and we evolve. Maybe the person you are now would have done things differently back then, or maybe you are the person you are now, because of the decisions you made back then. Trust your journey, it's all going to make sense soon."    
L Intermediate 9 344
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
Half in the shadows, half burnt in flames
L Intermediate 352
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
I've worked myself out of some pretty hard and dark places so that I could one day try and help those I saw suffering along the way. Now I'm proud to say I feel ready to do so. I've had the opportunity to listen to and work with a wide variety of cultures and issues, and I'd truly see it as a gift to at least hear you out. 
L Genius 10 4038
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
Hello! I believe that loneliness doesn't come from being alone but from unable to communicate. I have been through this loneliness and know how bad it is. So I am here to LISTEN to you and we will try to overcome this TOGETHER.....feel free to contact me.
L Paragon 6 6000
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
Hello, I'm glad that you found me on 7 cups of tea I love to listen to people and help them when they are stressed or feeling low because of any reason and it would be my pleasure if i can listen and help you in any way. Thanks for trusting me and sharing your problem :). It's a pleasure meeting you guys xD.
L Helper 10 82
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
25 years of age / Hi I’ve been dealing with some hard things lately but I can most definitely relate so if you need me, I’m here. I’ll help you however I can and will gladly be all ears for you <3
L Epitome 10 2682
5.0 star rating
Listens toTeens & Over 18 Last activein last week
Upcoming sessions  if you need to edit or cancel an event already published, or any other need (repeats, pictures, titles or descriptions, etc) related to community calendar, send me a message. I answer within 24-48 hours. ------------------------- English will follow, please read the profile before to send a message! (I normally take only French Chats) ------------------------- FRANCAIS  Bonjour! Je suis patate! Je suis un écoutant "vérifié" et je suis ici pour vous apporter écoute et support dans les sujets suivants: - Anxiété, stress, attaques de panique (expérience personnelle) - Autisme et TSA  (expérience professionnelle) - Automutilation (expérience personnelle, j'ai complètement arrêté il y a plusieurs années) - Vivre avec un handicap physique - problèmes de santé physique (expérience personnelle) - maladies chroniques et/ou dégénératives (expérience personnelle) - Intimidation, taxage, discrimination (expérience personnelle et professionnelle) - Diversité culturelle (expérience personnelle et professionnelle) - LGBTQA+ (expérience personnelle) - Gestion des émotions (expérience personnelle) - Parentalité (expérience professionnelle) - Gestion du poids, adopter un mode de vie sain. (Je prône l'alimentation intuitive, pas les diètes) (expérience personnelle) - Victimes d'abus, Victimes de crimes (expérience personnelle) - Expérience traumatiques, État/Trouble de Stress Post-Traumatique (ESPT/TSPT) (expérience personnelle, je me suis rétablie) - Travail autonome, lancement d'une entreprise (expérience personnelle) - Troubles du comportement alimentaire (expérience personnelle, je me suis rétablie) - Stress financier (expérience personnelle) - Vie étudiante (expérience personnelle, je suis étudiante) - Ados vivant en familles d'acceuil/foyer de groupe/centre jeunesse, ou adultes qui y ont vécu enfant (expérience personnelle et professionnelle) Je NE prend PAS les clavardages sur les sujets suivants: - Relations  - Ruptures amoureuses et divorce - Santé sexuelle et tout ce qui touche la sexualité (excepté les victimes d'abus sexuels qui sont les bienvenues) - Rencontres (dating) - Problèmes "de garçon/d'homme ou de fille/femme" J'accepte les nouveaux membres, adolescents et adultes, tant pour du court terme, long terme et check-ins. Du au nombre de chats inappropriés, les requêtes hors-ligne ou sans sujet spécifiés ne seront pas répondu. Merci de précisé votre besoin et sujet dans votre premier message. ------------------------- English My English is limited to an intermediate level so I usually don't take adult chats in English. If you have been referred to me by an other listener with my permission, or crossed me from forums or chatrooms, feel free to message and specify! ;)  Otherwise, I accept teens for English chats on the following topics only:  - Anxiety, stress (personal experience) - panic attacks (personal experience, recovered) - Autism and ASD (working experience) - Self-harm (personal experience, fully recovered for years) - Living with a physical disability - physical health problems  (personal experience) - chronic and/or degenerative diseases (personal experience) - Bullying, taxing, discrimination (personal experience) - Cultural diversity (personal experience + professional experience) - LGBTQA+ (personal experience) - Emotional management (personal experience) - Weight management, adopting a healthy lifestyle. (I advocate intuitive eating, not diets) (personal experience) - Abuse victims, Crime victims (personal experience) - Traumatic experiences, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (personal experience, recovered) - Self-employment, starting a business (personal experience) - Eating disorders (personal experience, fully recovered) - Financial stress (personal experience) - Student life (personal experience, I'm still a student) - Parenting and familial (professional experience) - Foster care (personal experience and professional experience) If you have been referred to me by an other listener with my permission for a different topic, or crossed me from forums or chatrooms, feel free to message and specify! ;)  I DO NOT accept chats on the following topics: - Relationships (including boy/girl friend) - except parent-child or school which are welcome  - Breakups and divorces - Sexual health and any other sexual issue (except victims of crime) - "Boy/man or girl/woman" issues I accept new members, teens and adults for both short term and long term. Due to the number of inappropriate chats, offline requests without a specified topic will not be answered. ------------------------- Mentorat J'accepte les nouveaux mentorés.  Projets spécifiques pour lesquels j'offre un plus grand accompagnement, tant aux membres qu'aux écoutants:  * Group Support Mentor* (Support Team Leader for Healthy Living)   * Support Room Mentor (in charge of Tockify)  Ça signifie que je peux vous aider à planifier, organiser et animer des discussions de groupe dans les canaux, joindre une équipe qui anime régulièrement des discussions, ou mettre à jour vos évènements sur notre calendrier communautaire. (Pour le mentorat réservé aux écoutants, visitez mon profil de mentor) ------------------------- Healthy Living Team Are you a member or listener interested in leading healthy living discussions?!   The healthy living team is recruiting new discussion leaders to help members to develop good healthy habits, get support and motivation, and discuss topics in relation to their health. We have a lot of approved discussions available for you to lead!  If you are interested, message me in English or French and specify its about HL team or +Click here for more information []!  ------------------------- Twin My listener twins are @Jenna , @PoliteOcean and @HopieRemi <3 ------------------------- Group Support Mentor in charge of Tockify Calendar.  If you notice any issue in Tockify Calendar, including using it, creating, editing, canceling or deleting a session or repeated weekly event; or want to inform about events not taking place as planned, you are welcome to message me and I will reply within 24 to 48 hours. Upcoming sessions  Help with planning, preparing or discussions. No matter if you are a member or listener, I can help you with that! :)  For mentoring specific to listeners, visit my mentor bio.
L Guru 2 2199
4.5 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
           Just honest conversations
L Specialist 3 819
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
Lets talk it out.. !!
L Veteran 2 2623
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
Sometimes we have the courage to cope with things but we just need some calming words or emotional support. Thats what one may need. I'll be here for you whatever ( whatever means whatever ) the condition will be and yup most importantly DON'T WORRY YOU HAVE ME. Just contact me without hesitation cause i don't bite 😉
L Epitome 3 10990
5.0 star rating
Listens toOver 18 Last activein last week
Hello. I'm Wisely. (Male, 68). I am a Verified listener since 2015 It is my privilege and joy to share my experiences, understanding and discovery of how life works and how you can be a better version of yourself, create your own reality and manifest everything you desire to experience. I hope that what I share will assist you in your own life journey. I am particularly interested in spirituality, law of attraction, personal exploration, self development, channeled messages from non-physical beings and E.T. related experiences.