My name is Taylor, and yeah, I've gone through quite a bit myself, but in reality, who hasn't? Personally, I believe one life counts for so much more, why live yours and only yours, when you can live THROUGH your own, helping thousands upon thousands of others. Make your one shot count for so much more. You are needed you are loved.
My main passion in life is to make mine count for so many others, I live to help. I'm a healer. But really, what i want is to become a global speaker, speeches are my passion. I love my voice, but the thing is, unlike the majority of politicians, I want to be listened to for what I HAVE to SAY. NOT for what I HAVE. So, hopefully, I can help make this world a little more beautiful each coming day.
Hope to hear from you soon, whether its just common chat, issues, shoulder to cry on, little rants. Whatever it may be, I'm here and I will always, always respond, Maybe not right away, but I try my best.
Talk to you later lovelies <3