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L Intermediate 5
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HELLOO! I am a senior in high school & happily an intern here on 7 cups. I've experienced and gotten through quite a bit in my past few years of high school, so I can generally relate to many things teens are dealing with today. I do my best with being understanding and nonjudgmental as this is how people in the past (and now) help me solve my own problems. Unfortunately I do not have much experience with LGBTQ+ or self harm :( but I believe I can be an effective help in dealing with break ups, forgiveness, stress, anxiety, and general issues that just need to be let out :)

Recent forum posts
What is one thing you would tell your future children?
Relationship Stress / by lovelyEagle51
Last post
February 16th, 2018
...See more Whats the best advice you'd give your kids when theyre your age now?
Steps to Taking Care of Myself
Relationship Stress / by lovelyEagle51
Last post
February 15th, 2018
...See more i forgave you and said id like to keep in touch & maybe be friends again. But in november you showed me i couldnt trust you & i made the decision to leave us behind. I cant be friends with someone i cant trust. And i have to be real with myself and admit that i wanted to see you to try and feel how i used to. You've given me some of my best memories that ill never forget. You very well might be my favorite part of high school. And I couldnt stop talking to you because i still love you and that isnt good for me. I cant just keep running back to people who hurt me just because i miss what we used to be. I need to learn how to move on and i dont think i can do that if im constantly hoping for a text from you. Yes its convenient that youll be gone so moving on might be a little easier but i dont think that is truly moving on. i didnt see you for months and i thought i was almost over it. But then i saw u again and it hit me twice as hard. I guess i never really did wanna move on before because i missed you too much. But i need to be smart about it now. And this probably doesnt matter at all because we wont be seeing each other maybe for a very long time if ever. But i need to be the one taking charge of getting over you instead having it forced on me because of the distance. But yeah, have a safe ride back, it was really nice seeing you last night.
How I Am Dealing With a Boyfriend Who Cheated
Relationship Stress / by lovelyEagle51
Last post
December 30th, 2017
...See more My (ex)boyfriend and I have been dating for 9-10 months. He was off to college a few months ago so we did long distance for a while. I am a very trusting girlfriend so I tried not to let it bother me when he would post other girls or talk about them. The other day I found out he betryed this trust. Flashback to last week.. I was starting to realize that our relationship was not going to work out: we were just so different and the distance was not helping. He wasn't making me a priority at all and I felt like I didn't even mean anything to him. He recently posted a photo of him drunk with some other girl in her dorm room. So, I called him with the intention of breaking up with him but I was still open-minded to staying with him if he really wanted to. "I love you" "You're so special to me" "I would never even consider dating anyone else here" ... I was so close to telling him "Okay, we can just try this again one more time.." but something in the back of my mind was forcing me to mention how his picture with the girl made me feel. So I told him how upset it made me. Stupidly, I also said "I know you would never do anything with her but if you're that drunk you never know what could happen.." I was waiting for a "You know I would never do that to you" but instead, he says.. "I kissed her." Embarassment. Humiliation. Heartbreak. It took all of me to not cry on the phone. Instead, I asked calmly if he was going to tell me. He responds "later.." So I say "Okay. We're done." and I hang up and blocked him on everything he could contact me by. Don't get me wrong I cried hard, for a good 20 minutes (which is not a lot for me). The next day I was as happy as I have ever been.. I have just been focusing on the fact that I finally got rid of a big source of negativity in my life. In some twisted way, I am almost glad he cheated because if he didn't, chances are I wouldn't have dumped him. What is keeping me going is that while I got out of a bad relationship, he is dealing with the guilt and suffering through what he did to himself. For the next few weeks, whenever someone asks him how I am, he gets to tell them that he is an unloyal liar and stand in front of them in shame. The only thing that scares me out of this is being able to trust anyone ever again... Every cheater has at some point said they would not cheat.. Has anyone ever dealt with something like this and was able to overcome it? Also, he is coming back in December for his winter break and I am terrified of seeing him in person, because I do not want to risk giving in to whatever lie he can feed me next.. Advice?
Feedback & Reviews
He's so good It's my first time and I'm so glad to know him
Perfect very caring and helpful
Thank you for everything! You were very helpful.
Amazing person with contagious positive attitude!
so sweet and kind, extremely helpful. spent quite a long time talking to me. would definitely recommend to anyone.
Now my favorite person to talk to!
Nice and helpful
Such an amazing person. So helpful, and will listen
Awesome person to talk too. Very helpful
Really helpful and a good listener
She was really good to talk to and very understanding. I felt like I could open up to her and she helped me lot. I’d definitly recommend speaking to her
Its was really helpful and nice to talk with him.
This really helped me! Thank you
It really helped me calm down and understand my situation more
She helps me alot
Very professional and empathetic. Does a good job at getting to the real center of your issues.
I felt really bummed about my problem/situation, but they were able to give me helpful advice and have a more positive outlook about it!
Very kind, attentive, and good at engaging in conversation and encouraging others to share their thoughts.
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Listening Ear Magnet Jester of Smiles Clerk of Bear Hugs Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Managing Emotions Panic Attacks Surviving Breakups Traumatic Experiences Crisis Intervention Listener Oath Work Related Stress Self Harm Sexual Abuse Alcohol & Drug Abuse Family Support Grad Cultural Diversity Verified Listener Bullying Chronic Pain Psychological First Aid Family Stress Sleeping Well Graduate Master Scholar Love Bug Refresher Light Chat Tiny Chat Voice Talker College Guide Loneliness Guide Test Anxiety Exercise Motivation ACT Therapy Affirmative Reflection Chat & Text Listening Ace Active Listening Startup Support Perinatal Schizophrenia People of Color Guide ADHD Social Anxiety OCD Boundaries Forgiveness Grief Managing Bipolar Managing Finances Surviving Domestic Assault Getting Unstuck 7Cups Guide Rocket Listener 12 Steps Community 101 7 Cups Intern Grad Sparkler Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend NAMI Listener Evolution Steadfast Soul I Steadfast Soul II Reconnection Hero I First Community First Chat First Post Five Steps High 5 Hang 10 Open Door Weight Management Diabetes CBT