Whatever brings you down will only make you stronger - Alex Morgan.
Hi! Just a little information about me. I have been through a lot in my 20 years of life.. those problems have tried dragging me down and there were times where I was ready to give up. Like many other people in this world, I struggle with mental illness; borderline personality disorder, major severe depression, plus an intellectual disability. It isn’t easy living with mental illnesses plus deal with all of the extra problems we need to put onto our plate. I was never taught how to manage my plate of problems. I was rather ignored and left out instead of getting that help I needed to deal with day to day activities. I know the feeling of not having anyone to talk to, I was never given that opportunity to talk to anyone, so I was forced to keep things bottled up - which only makes things worse. So please, send me a message if you need to talk about something. I am rather good with the below topics (especially the ones with the star ⭐️ next to it) but could try with other topics as well:) I hope you have a good day, warrior! Im always here whenever you’re ready:)