Hello there, my name is Mehmet. I am a university student, I am taking Arts of ELT Degree. When I first started University it brought me great responsibilities and problems to cope with. The stress caused by exams, dealing with dorm mates, beginning of a relationship, end of it, loneliness caused by it, depression. Even not to say that after studying hard at high-school for years standing sometimes bullying sometimes stress of success. I felt like I was where I was back in primary school, high-school as there was no progress whatsoever. How hard I tried I somehow fell in to the things I tried to escape for years again and again. I know some of you who is going to read will feel the same way. You don't believe that you can be happy, you don't believe that you can change it, maybe you feel like you won't find love again. But yes you will, can and do. I struggled hard to change how I feel, but you are at the right stage, you know you want to change. I couldn't do it all alone and I would like to be with you while you are trying to find your answer. So grab a bite of biscuits and let's talk.