Hi, my name is Jason as i'm sure you already know.
I was actually referred to this site by my cousin cause she knows i love to listen and give advice to people who are going through a difficult time.
When i was younger i used to be the one that would cause people to go through problems (not life changing problems) but for the moment problems.
As i was growing up i felt that i was good at giving people advice.
I would just watch people around me and see what they go through...not to be nosy but just to get a experience.
This wasn't something that just came to mind so i went through with it, it just happened.
The more situations i would see between people the more advice i could give to people who are going through something similar.
Why do i enjoy being a listener and giving advice?
Because it's a rewarding feeling knowing i just helped someone out or may have helped someone out and because i don't like seeing people go through difficulties with nobody to talk to about it.
If you need a ear just to vent on but not looking for advice, get in contact with me and if you want to vent and get advice, contact me too :) and if i'm not here, please leave me a message.
thank you JasonE from me and my family.