Hi, my name is Alex.
I've haven't had the easiest of lives. I was bullied most of grammer and high school physically and emotionally. I've always struggled with my weight, but I have been on both sides of the fence. Both overweight and skinny. Been emotionally attacked on both sides of that as well.
My father developed pancreatic cancer when I was 23, and I had the unfortunate luck of watching the disease slowly destroy him over the course of 2 years. After his death we were hit with the added surprise of being 170k in debt due to back debt my father never mentioned.
I spent the better part of 9 years correcting the financial situation for my family at the cost of giving up my social life.
The saying goes what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Well, I've been threw hell and back and you know what?
If I can do it, you can to.
I'm here if your willing to take a chance.
Give me a chance, and i'll do my very best help you.
There is one thing though, i'm willing to listen and help, but true change cannot happen unless your willing to take that step too.