Why am I not able to balance all my work responsibilities like everyone else is?
Mar 3, 2015
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Everybody's different, and you're no exception. That's okay, and to be expected; everybody learns how to balance their responsibilities differently. Your responsibilities likely differ from that of others. Don't be so quick to doubt yourself; consider what "everyone else" would do if they had to walk a week in your shoes.
May 25, 2015
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It is unfair to compare yourself to others. What make overwhelm one person may not even be noticed by another. You are your own person if you feel overwhelmed take a step back and assess why you've taken on so much and how you can step back. Don't be upset because you can't do something you feel someone else can do. For all you know behind closed doors they aren't balancing things that well. Focus on being you not on being someone else.
Feb 24, 2015
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Often times it only seems as though other people are able to balance or "do it all." Do not give up--you are not alone and it is difficult for anyone to balance work and personal life.
Apr 14, 2015
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Everyones life's load isn't the same, and believe to or not, no matter how it looks, everyone has a problem with balance at some point in life.
Jun 2, 2015
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Because some people can handle 50 things while others who are the same age, same amount of experience handle 5 things and do really well at those 5. Remember you don't need to be like everyone else, you need to be like you.
Sep 20, 2015
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Everyone is different. There is no one answer fits all. Perhaps you can plan and make a list and prioritize you responsibilities on paper to have a guide to go by.....Or maybe seek a life coach to help you.
May 10, 2016
Work Stress Expert
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Everyone can handle a different amount of workload. Only take in the workload that you can handle. Don't compare your workload with others as different people can handle different workloads.
Sep 12, 2016
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Balancing of responsibilities of any kind takes time to master. Perhaps you are taking on too many responsibilities at this point in your career so try to spread the responsibilities out a bit over multiple days. It depends on your work but for some it can help to schedule different type of tasks into specific week days. No matter how you schedule, Always leave about 20% of each day unscheduled for tasks that run over your planned time. Once you are more comfortable scheduling less tasks in a day you can slowly increase to schedule more and more as you get a better understanding of the time required.
Oct 31, 2017
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If you're feeling alone because it seems like you're the only one unable to handle all your work responsibilities, please remember that everyone handles stress differently, and that perhaps other people are struggling too but just don't show it! You may also want to consider how you spend your time, and if you think that a lot of your time is being ineffectively, you may want to consider making a schedule for yourself, allocating hours for yourself to complete work in.
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