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What's the best way to stop feeling incompetent ?

Profile: Chrehamy
Chrehamy on May 18, 2015 more
go online type 7cupsoftea click enter then choose good listener to tell my problem to help that's it
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Profile: Gi
Gi on Apr 1, 2015 more
We need to remember that we are human and we make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. We can't always do things right. It's just a matter of keep trying and never give up; If you really want something, you'll make it. Just take your time.
Profile: Harry53
Harry53 on Jan 31, 2015 more
If you are feeling incompetent, in other words, inadequate, then the best way to overcome or change this feeling is to improve your skills so that you are capable of completing the task or behavior that is causing you to feel this way. If you feel incompetent in many different aspects of your life it’s important to realize that we all have strengths and weaknesses and that we can’t excel in everything we do. Maintaining realistic goals based on your skills and abilities is a good way to avoid feeling incompetent.
Profile: IntuitiveDrops
IntuitiveDrops on Aug 22, 2016 more
I think the best way is to get honest feedback from people you know will be honest and care about you.
Profile: Kelleyd83
Kelleyd83 on Dec 29, 2015 more
Each day try to better yourself in small ways. Take a hike, meditate, learn something new everyday. Eventually those voices that tell you you're incompetent will subside.
Profile: miraculousHeart73
miraculousHeart73 on Apr 24, 2018 more
Feeling incompetent, eh? It's normal. We all feel like we don't have talent, or aren't that successful. But remember, there will always be someone better than you... Sad, but here's the positive side! YOU are better than others too. There is always something you are good at, just make a list. Remind yourself daily, or try something new everyday to find something that you are competent of. You can do it!
Profile: KurtCups711
KurtCups711 on Jul 24, 2018 more
Volunteering builds a lot of skills and it doesn't matter if you have none, people are just happy you are there. Try donating some time to a local food basket or convention that you find interesting.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 25, 2015 more
It really depends on you-- everyone is different. For some people, it helps to reach out to friends/family for support and recognition. Others can find peace easily by searching inside. Find what works best for you.
Profile: Hui05
Hui05 on May 21, 2015 more
Write down some of your recent achievements and write down what your goals are. Then think about what you can do to attain your goals and focus on achieving them. You can do this!
Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean on Sep 25, 2015 more
That can be a difficult feeling. Only you are the best judge of you and your feelings. Perhaps you can write down pros and cons about yourself and work on what you feel needs some help in your life. Perhaps that will put you on the road to feeling better about yourself. more
Start doing more things you actually love, that will make you feel better, more motivated and hopefully more productive. Or search new ways of doing the same things you think you are being incompetent at.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 12, 2022 more
Appreciate yourself more often. We often forget the best things about us and focus on the worst. Appreciate your best traits, whether it's your patience, your honesty or your brains. We often (as students) label ourselves incompetent due to academic validation. Be proud of your past and use that to move forward. So what if you've only gotten one A in the whole academic year?! Be proud and say "I've had an A before. What's stopping me from getting another one?". Use this same example with every other thing in life. Don't forget your qualities and most importantly, don't let your problems be bigger than they seem!
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