I don't like my job anymore. Should I quit or continue doing it?
Jan 10, 2016
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You should quit. Why spend the rest of your days doing something that makes you feel miserable ? You only live once!
May 10, 2015
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if you are not responsible for providing others , i think you should quit it , life is too short to do something you don't like
Jun 24, 2015
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It depends on many factors. I suggest looking for a new job and start applying for a new job first, before quitting your current job. This way, you wont' be out of work completely. If you have been at your job for many years and can afford to take some time off to think about what job you really want than do it. Do a job as a long as you can, if you need the income. But give yourself a few outs, so you are not stuck at job that is making you miserable. Never stay somewhere where you are being abused or taken advantage of. Some larger companies also have HR departments, which can help resolve issues you may be having so you do not have to quit.
Sep 15, 2014
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I believe looking at the situation a little deeper than quitting or continuing is needed. What are the positives and negatives for each action? Maybe look at the reasons you don't like it any more, are there any changes you can make or People can discuss is with? If you do quiet what will your next plan be. Good luck x
Nov 12, 2014
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A lot of people don't like their job, but personally i wouldn't jump straight into quitting it straight away. Make sure there's another backup plan before taking a huge step.
Apr 25, 2015
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I believe that self-care is important and if you don't like your job if I were in your shoes I'd leave, but I don't have a full understanding of your life or world. Any advice I'd give you would be limited and potentially wrong. You are the expert on you. The best thing I can do for you is to help you figure out the path that makes the most sense to you. Do you think you would be much happier if you left your job? Because if you would then isn't that what you want for yourself?
Aug 14, 2015
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It depends! Just because you don't like a job, doesn't mean that it's definitely time to abandon ship.
Do you have other reasons to keep it? (Family, income, debt, etc)
Do you have another job lined up?
Do you have marketable skills that you can use to find other work soon?
If you do feel like it's time to look for another job, it's usually a good idea to try to line up another employer before you quit the first one. That way, you can be more 'choosy', and you aren't in a rush to have to pay bills, etc.
Jan 10, 2016
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One day, one step at a time. Sometimes we may become intolerant of a job we no longer wish to work. When this occurs, we must first evaluate the reasons why our current job is no longer providing the satisfaction we are looking for, and the feelings surrounding those reasons. This is important because it helps us to see if we can salvage the current job we have by making changes in our perspective, or perhaps in our search for a new job, which will help us not to choose something which will only prove to perpetuate those qualities we are seeking to leave behind. When we do begin our search for another position, remember that our current job is still a priority, and we must maintain it until we have secured a new one. Sometimes we may become impulsive, and quit that job which we believe we can no longer abide, without the security of a next job. This may only add stress as we may now worry about financial concerns due to a lack of income. Sometimes we may go as far as to burn bridges with a company and our coworkers that we no longer wish to work for, but it is always desirable to leave in a professional manner, so that one may be able to count on a reference for the time that was put in.
Nov 10, 2014
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Try to talk with your boss and coleagues about how you're feeling at work, maybe they could help and if you feel that this job is not providing you or valorizating your hard work, try to continue doing until you find somewhere that you feel the good atmosphere of the place. Good lucky, xoxo and stay fab!
Nov 7, 2014
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I think, it depends on your situation. Can you provide for yourself in any other way? If you can, I think you should quit your job and find some other job that you enjoy. By doing that, you will feel better yourself too. Because then it's not really like a job, if you enjoy it. Makes life more fun!
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