How do I deal with discrimination in the workplace?
Dec 6, 2014 more
you should never have to deal with discrimination. If you are then you need to go to a boss and if it is the boss go to his boss
Oct 29, 2014 more
If they openly discriminate against you, tell them that you politely decline from participating in their prejudiced ways and would appreciate if they left you alone.
Nov 5, 2014 more
Some kinds of discrimination are illegal and some are legal. If the kind you face is illegal you have the option of pursuing charges against whoever is doing it.
If it's the legal kind, then you may not have a straightforward option, and you'll have to weigh the risks/benefits associated with trying to eradicate it.
Nov 18, 2014 more
treat them the way i want to be treated. hopefully they will start doing the same as well! I am sure it will work
Nov 23, 2014 more
In my opinion, if you feel discriminated, the first step is to step aside and try to evaluate the situation. Is there really discrimination or something else going on? Maybe ask some friends opinions? If you are convinced that it really is discrimination, then it is best to look up company policies relating to that and then follow them.
Nov 24, 2014 more
Dealing with discrimination in the workplace can be stressful, frustrating, and emotionally traumatic, and deciding whether or not to report it is a highly personal choice. before you take any action against a person or organization, you need to make sure that you have actually been a victim of discrimination.
To do this, take a step back and look at the situation from several different perspectives – you need to determine, as objectively as possible, if you have been discriminated against, or if you've simply jumped to conclusions. (It can sometimes be quite hard to prove that discrimination has occurred.) Consider the Consequences then gather evidence then report it
Dec 8, 2014 more
The equal opportunity employment act mandates that you be free from discrimination in the work place. If you feel like you are being discriminated against, contact the EOE commission, and visit their web page:
Dec 19, 2014 more
The workplace should be as safe a space as any to thrive in. If a person is feeling discriminated against the appropriate parties such as Human Resources or management can assist them. Many companies have specific protocols for handling such an incident.
Dec 23, 2014 more
The first thing I would do is make sure that discrimination is involved, make sure that you (or someone you knows) have actually been a victim of discrimination. Gather evidence, keep a diary of any incidents of discrimination or harassment. Record the date, approximate time, location, parties involved, witnesses, and details of the improper conduct or speech. Report it. discrimination can go unpunished if the victim minimizes the issue, or makes it sound less traumatic than it was. Use the evidence that you've gathered to back up your claims.
Jan 8, 2015 more
The best is not to fight it verbally and report it to a supervisor or boss. Trying to manage it on your own could cause issues for you that could cause loss of job.
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