Hi. Sometimes when we feel like we’re the last in line, we need a rainbow in the dark. I would love to hear you and speak with you. I have experience with Anxiety, Depression, and loving someone with Bipolar Disorder. I have lived through Loss, Abuse, and Abandonment. I am not a professional or a specialist, but I believe that my experiences help me empathize and understand people. I’ve been through my own heaven and hell, written my own dark saga. I’ve felt that I’m the victim of fate, wasting love from here to eternity, fighting the darkness every time it rains. The helping hands of some wonderful people have restored my lust for life and kept me heading for tomorrow. I believe that the world needs more kindness and that we should all keep each other closer to the heart.
I’m a man in my 30s, living in the Eastern portion of the United States. My interests include music, reading, and movies (especially action and science fiction). I like to lift weights, run, and hike. I love cats and dogs. I can never turn down a good hot chocolate.
If I’m offline, feel free to send me a message and I will try to respond as soon as I can. My life can be quite hectic so I may not be able to always keep to a consistent chat schedule but I will do my best to give a helping hand.
Some helpful resources:
(copy and paste the URL (beginning with "http...) into the address bar of your browser)
The most amazing song about Depression performed live:
Another spectacular piece of music about Depression:
Life IS worth living! Heaven CAN wait:
**Self-worth and Self-Respect:
Take pride in who you are. Always:
** Losing loved ones:
Those we lost will live on in our hearts. It is OK to grieve:
** Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the best methods to combat depression and anxiety. It has worked and continues working for me. The following is a free online workshop:
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance:
Do psychiatric medications inhibit creativity?
Find a local licensed therapist:
I was thoroughly impressed, and felt better about my situation.