How can I manage all of my work outside of the workplace?
Feb 4, 2015 more
What I do is make a list of all of the things that I have to accomplish. I then begin to organize my list according to what needs to be completed first and what can wait to be completed last. I try to stick to it as much as possible. This helps me check off my accomplishments and remain on time, focused and completing my work.
Apr 16, 2015 more
Depending on what your job is, you can manage your work by getting out your diary and planning everything out. You can also ask your colleagues if they would like to have a get-together and help each other with their tasks.
Jun 8, 2015 more
Plan ahead! If you prepare the night before for the next day, obligations will remain organized. By setting small goals to achieve each day you can grow in confidence in your own ability to handle you work, social life, and personal well-being.
Sep 6, 2015 more
You can start by learning to prioritize. Make a list of the things that need to be done or get done.
Oct 27, 2015 more
To manage work effectively outside of the workplace, three factors can be particularly helpful. One, prioritise what is most important. Secondly, do not aim for perfection in the completion of your work, but try to do your best to get through it, you can always polish it later, if needed. Thirdly, I believe in the philosophy of "minimalism", this reduces clutter in your life and gives you more time to focus on what's important. Research minimalism to garner more time from your day and feel less stressed or overwhelmed.
Feb 10, 2016 more
Keep a diary, and organise your day. Try and use every spare minute for productivity and if things become too overwhelming either ask for help or drop one of your work elements.
Jun 13, 2016
Work Stress Expert more
If you wan to bring your work home that is fine, but never bring your work to bed or into your bedroom. Always schedule your time for everything. And strictly practice to follow it.
Sep 27, 2016 more
Time management is key, however it goes hand in hand with knowing your Boundaries and limits. You must be aware of how much you are actually able to do in sense of work, if it exceeds your limits then change must be done to bring it back into balance. Otherwise you would eventually collapse... Know your limits and don't let anyone push you over them as you have to put yourself first. Do take care xx
Jul 10, 2018 more
I process my thoughts while I crochet. My inner thoughts know the answer. Having a safe coping skill is key.
Sep 7, 2020 more
I manage all of my work outside of my workplace by making detailed lists and taking mental breaks. Lists help me know what I need to do and when I need to do it. I usually set them up by importance and you can even put things like making your bed or brushing your hair on it. Plus, lists don't need to look nice or make sense because it's only necessary that you know what they mean. And the breaks allow my mind to have a short period of time where I do something just for me. This helps me not stress out as much or burn myself out. Between these two things, I let myself learn for a period of time but also enjoy my day-to-day life and stop avoiding my work.
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