How can I complete all my coursework for the deadlines?
15 Answers
Moderated by Danielle Johnson, MSED, Community mental Health Counseling, LMHC
Updated: Jan 17, 2022
Dec 14, 2015 more
It's difficult but possible. Organizing helps a lot, do not underestimate the load of work. Also it helps to remind yourself how it would feel to be done and why it makes sense to start early.
Dec 29, 2015 more
Don't procrastinate. Do a little coursework everyday, especially if you have the habit to wait till the last minute to complete assignments. Make a written note of all the deadlines and when certain tasks need to be completed and work accordingly. You can begin working on the task that needs to be turned in at the earliest date, then work on the others.
Jan 4, 2016 more
arrange your schedule with times and time slots for breaks. never work too long on one topic - that breaks stimulation and gets repetitive. try to change your courseworks around and rotate what you're doing until it's complete.
Feb 2, 2016 more
Planning..the most important step to accomplish anything...from projects at your work place to your studies. Know your final goal..then divide it into sub parts...and then focus on those sub parts given them appropriate time.Like a bottom up start from the sub parts and consequently reach to your final goal. for example..if you are concerned about your course and you have five subjects to complete in 6 months ( just an example) reserve days of a week for each subject..keeping in mind you also need some free time for yourself, you don't want your plan to exhaust you..keep it light yet effective. and it's recommended not to go with one subject at a give you some variety. And yes, I know it's hard to follow plans...but so it is to complete the entire syllabus in last few days ( no doubt, we can do it..but then we tend to focus more on the deadline rather than on the quality of our work)
Oct 25, 2016 more
Make a timetable and try your best to follow it. Also stay calm and don't panic........
Try finishing it at least a day before the deadline.
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