Why are women so emotional? I don't understand this.
Jun 13, 2019
Women's Issues Expert
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I think generally it is more socially acceptable for women to express emotions. So maybe that is why women seem more emotional than men. The men have just been taught not to show their emotions. They may experience the same amount of emotions but not feel comfortable sharing them whereas women may feel fine showing all their emotions. It could be something biological but I feel like its more related to how men and women are treated and expected to act. Maybe it's just a matter of recognizing and expressing emotion rather than a difference in feeling it. That's just my two cents.
Feb 13, 2018
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They are created that way.. Female of all species need to nurture and be emotionally attached to their young ones..hence due to that women are emotional
May 25, 2020
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It depends on how you see it. Women in general tend to have a caring side which can bring to many emotional upbrings. The perception that women cry more than men is pretty widespread. But as babies and children, boys and girls cry about the same amount on average. Only during puberty do girls begin to cry more than boys do and start to feel more emotions. It could also be due to the hormonal changes that occur in the female's body or the girl you have had the experience of them being emotional might go through some issues and feel distressed.
Feb 4, 2020
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Women and men are equally emotional, the difference is that men are told to repress their emotions and never show them. They are expected to be tough and stoic. Women are expected to exaggerate their emotions. In my experience, women don’t usually exaggerate their emotions, they are just better at showing their emotions compared to men because they know they won’t be judged as harshly as a man when crying.
Men can have outbursts of anger and even tears just like women. Society tells men to man up and not cry but sometimes people need to cry and let their emotions out. It is not being weak, it is grieving and it is normal and healthy. Bottling things up never helps just like acting in anger always makes things worse.
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