Dec 10, 2014 more
'Your body is your temple' … and it is truly magnificent. You can think about your ancestry, all that contributes to the person you see in the mirror. The texture of your hair, the lengths of your fingers and toes, the colors of your skin. These are all amazing products of hundreds of thousands, no, millions of years of evolution that have resulted — culminated — in you. Not only your appearance, but all you are able to do. What actions do you take that you appreciate? When do you feel good and strong? How do you enjoy your senses? It all comes back to your body, your temple. Your body is for *you* to love, and anyone you decide deserves access. No one's temple is appreciated by all; there's no one preference. I know that it's hard not to compare regardless, but your opportunity is to be the best *you* you can be for yourself, for your life, for your loves, and you are uniquely amazing. I hope you love and celebrate yourself, care for and decorate your temple exactly as you please, treasure and enjoy it.
Dec 10, 2014 more
Start appreciating all that your body can do and using it for what it's made for. Dance, run, walk, stretch, play, etc. Realize all that your body does for you and all the sensory experiences it provides. Your body's main purpose isn't to look good, it is to move, survive, and function. Appreciate what it can do.
Dec 10, 2014 more
Acceptance. Acceptance is the key to accepting who you are and what you look like. One way I've started to love my body, is every morning go up to the mirror and say something you like about your appearance that day. Somehow this gives you confidence to go through the day, and since you are saying this to yourself, then it is more believable. If you continue this cycle everyday, then you slowly increase your confidence, but most importantly accept who you are.
Oct 31, 2016 more
literally, from past experiene, stand in front of the mirror every morning, before you have the chance to do anything, and tell yourself things you like about yourself. point out ten things. soon, youll be able to do it faster because youll notice more and more things you like about yourself.
Dec 12, 2014 more
Look in the mirror every day and start telling yourself positive things. "I like your hair." "You have a nice smile." "Did you lose weight?" "You look awesome." Even if you don't believe yourself, keep doing it. Learn to accept that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Everyone is. Don't hate yourself. You only have one you.
Mar 22, 2015 more
"Don't ask the mirror who is the fairest one of all, TELL the mirror, 'I am the fairest one of all.'"
Positive body image is a mind set. You really just have to believe.
Also, recommended to check out Beauty Redefined at this website:
Nov 10, 2015 more
You have to remember a few key things. 1) You are your biggest critic. Truly. Nobody in the world can find as many things wrong with us as we find with ourselves. 2) There is always some physical attribute(s) you have that someone else wants. 3) Most of us are so wrapped up in our own insecurities, we aren't really paying attention to the flaws of others. You may feel scrutinized, as if you're under a microscope, but you aren't. It's an illusion. 4) Remind yourself of all the things you would never want to trade/lose. Remember that THOSE are things we all see.
Jul 24, 2017 more
Your body gets you through so many things in life, no matter what it looks like it carries you through everything. And do you really focus on someone's body, or the way they act, talk. THAT is what really matters.
Feb 9, 2016 more
Appreciate your flaws and pay attention to the good parts :) Don't judge yourself too harshly, accept your body. Treat it well. It is your temple. Love it for all that it allows you to do... live, laugh, run, jump, skip.. it has stayed faithful to you all this while. Recognize that and appreciate it. Don't judge it based on how it looks. That wouldn't be too fair, would it?
Dec 10, 2014 more
By taking care of it! Fitness, eating right, spending some time on making yourself look great, wearing things you like! All these things will help you to love your body!
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