What should I do if I can't get into medical school?
May 19, 2021
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Is getting into medical school your lifelong dream? Then don't give it up just yet! It's not because you filled out some applications and that they all got turned down that you should call it quit. There are other schools to apply to. But first, evaluate what happened? Could you have done things differently? What could you change next time you apply? Is there someone you could ask advice to? Reach out to somewhere who have been on that road before? What resources are available to you? If you are unsure, sometimes just an internet search can yield preliminary results, or help you brainstorm your next step. It's never too late and it's not over until it's over. :-)
May 28, 2021
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This question could very well be asked by me a few years back. I myself had dreamed of becoming a doctor and serving the people who are in pain. I couldn't get into a medical school. Spent another year chasing after my ambition. still couldn't crack the exam. Felt dejected. cried. Alot. But then a friend of mine asked me a question that changed my life. He asked me why do you want to be a doctor so badly? is there nothing else that you can do to still serve the people who are in need and pain? Is doctor the only person who can help?
All i had to do was find out the actual reason why i wanted to be a doctor. Today I am working in a healthcare system. Not a doctor. But still helping and doing by best to help those in pain and need. My life is very much fulfilling and today i know that I was meant to make a difference in this field. Doctor is not the only person who runs the healthcare system. we have nurses, paramedical staffs, technicians, physician assistants, OT technicians... so many fields to make a difference. All you need to figure out is why do you want to become a doctor? Once you know the answer to that, you will also understand that there are so many ways and professions where your efforts are needed.
Aug 19, 2021
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I've been here. Medical school seems so far away for whatever reason. Since I've known myself I've always wanted to go to medical school. I've never seen myself doing anything else beside pathology. Then I had to accept that, that might not be completely feasible in my case, for monetary reasons. Whatever the case may be for you, find something else you're passionate about. Look around you. What do you love to do? What passions do you have? Where do you see yourself aside from medical school? It may seem like it's the end of the world if you don't get in, but the world is your oyster. There's so many things out there. Don't give up, you got this!!!! Best of luck, xoxo.
Oct 26, 2021
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If you can’t get into medical school see what other sciences there may be that you like and start from there. Then see if biology or chemistry of if you can become a physician assistant. There are so many avenues for you that you can take. Never give up and always look for solutions. Believe in the impossible and head straight for your best dream. Make it a reality by focusing on your goals and taking it of course one step at a time. Hope can take you farther than you can imagine. Belief in yourself can make anything possible.
Jan 13, 2022
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If you didn't pass your exams to enter to the medical school, you can study again and retake them. If you have not taken the exams yet but your overall grades need improvement, you can try to organize your studyng more by keeping a list of things that you need to do as well as a timetable. You can also read about other careers that have similarities with the medical field and, of course, you can ask your professors for help and explain to them what you think. You can also address your friends, as they will help you feel comfortable about that
Jan 23, 2022
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If you don' get into medical school on the first try you should try again and study even more with your past mistakes, most people don't get into medical school on their first try, it varies from person to person. Age doesn't matter when it comes to education if you're passionate about medicine but you urgently need a job you should find another subject that you like and could enroll in college or you could try to work with something else that you're also really passionate about. When you get financially stable you could quit your job (or stay in it if you want) and try again to enroll in medical school, some people enroll in medical school in their 50's and still do well.
Good Luck, I wish you the best
Jan 26, 2022
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First, let's erase any of the negativity and stay positive. What would prevent you from getting into medical school? Not scoring on a test or missing a deadline. Find alternatives such as when is the next time you can enroll, preparing yourself for the second go round. Also, what other things are you interested in? Would you care to do anything else in the medical field until you can reach your goal of getting accepted into medical school? Have you reached out to your professors or other staff or students on what other possibilities that can happen in the case you do not. Continue to find alternatives while keeping your eye on the prize.
Feb 12, 2022
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When I was applying to nursing schools I found it to be a difficult process. I was worried I would never get in, but I kept applying. While I was applying I enrolled in other programs that won me points on my nursing applications such as a CNA program and and EKG monitor tech program. I also started volunteering. All these things gave me a higher chance of getting into nursing school. Perhaps you could also look into things that may help you with medical school such as a medical assistant program. Perhaps you could be open to applying to schools outside of your state or country? I did a lot of research to find all the pathways to reach my end goal. I'm sure if you keep investigating to will also be able to find a way to yours.
Apr 1, 2022
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Perhaps you can either explore other options or prepare yourself and try again next time if you are allowed to. It can be very frustrating not getting something you want the first time but you can keep trying if you feel that's the right thing for you or you can try other things too. Even if you feel nothing is for you trying new stuff will get you closer to something that can work for you aside from medical school. A lot of great stories of success started with people being rejected or starting with the wrong foot. Best wishes!
Apr 1, 2022
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Not getting into medical school can feel defeating as you put so much work into getting into it. Even though you may not get into medical school, there are similar paths that you can take still that are similar. For example, you could go into medical microbiology or become a Physician Assistant as well. You could also just do work in Public Health as well. Working on ways to improve patient safety or assure that quality in the hospital as well. There are limitless possibilities that you could go into without going to medical school. Including just trying for a Caribbean school as well.
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