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At what point in studying should I give up for the night?

Profile: MUW
MUW on Mar 6, 2018 more
It is important to keep a glass of water beside you while studying, as this helps your brain work. Keep sipping so your brain has this fluid to function. When it comes to a stage where you're taking more bathroom breaks without making any progress, when your eyes are heavy and it seems you've exhausted every opportunity to make further headway with your work, then your brain has switched off and it's safe to say your comfy bed is calling!
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Profile: CakeAndCats93
CakeAndCats93 on Nov 16, 2015 more
I would say when you reach a point that you don't feel like you're making progress and would benefit both emotionally and physically from a little sleep or rest.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 13, 2015 more
Probably as soon as you feel too tired to focus properly. Trying to learn while that tired is almost a waste of time for many people. Rest well and continue another day when you are properly focused and able to store the information properly.
Profile: starryRiver83
starryRiver83 on Feb 22, 2015 more
Never try to force yourself to do too much. As soon as you feel tired or are starting to overthink, that is definitely the time to get some sleep. You may feel that the next day, once you have had time to rest, studying becomes slightly easier. Set up a plan for studying which allows times for breaks and also make sure you are not overdoing it.
Profile: YourFriendforever
YourFriendforever on Mar 6, 2017 more
Listen to your body and mind. When you feel sleepy and unable to concentrate then it's better to get a good night sleep and then again continue the next day!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 28, 2015 more
It's a tough balance, especially if you need to cram. Pace yourself throughout the term so you will not find yourself needing to cram quite so much. After you hit a point of the night where you are more tired than awake, chances are you are not cognitively benefitting much from the studying anyway so it is best to rest. For this reason, I also found it helpful as a student to do "boring" homework (like reading a textbook), at the gym on the treadmill and used post-its/flags to mark important points for review later. Exercise stimulates the brain and seemed to very much help commit information to memory. The flags allowed for a quicker review and way to take notes later on when I was able to be still enough to write. Also remember that you do not have to be perfect. It is better to show up well-rested, bright, and alert for your exam to get a good score AND be health than to worry about destroying your health for a perfect score.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 2, 2017 more
When you can't concentrate anymore, when you reach that point when you aren't going to retain anything.
Profile: loyalCanine
loyalCanine on Jul 31, 2017 more
I have found that studying is something that needs to be balanced with rest. The most important consideration is whether continued study passed certain time cuts into the amount of respite for your mind and body to recover. This means frequent breaks and at least 8-9 hours sleep. A good rule, to begin with, is 45 min of work to 15 min breaks and ensuring that you get to bed to allow for a good rest. Personally, I find any study after 9 pm pointless as my brain and body are too fatigued and only cause severe stress for the next day.
Profile: kvo8
kvo8 on Aug 22, 2017 more
When you begin to feel tired or you cannot retain any information, you should certainly close the books for the night! Choosing to rest and not study does not mean you are giving up either :) Your health is important so you should always make sure to take breaks while studying and don't over-do it! Set goals for yourself during your week so that you can spread out your study habits and not be forced to crunch in one night!
Profile: brightWhisper35
brightWhisper35 on Feb 23, 2015 more
You should give up studying when you don't understand what you are studying. It helps to meditate for ten minutes and going to bed. That way you will be able to concentrate when you start studying the next day preferably in the early morning.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 21, 2015 more
I just know when my brain is no longer getting new information. I'm just cycling through the same stuff and not absorbing anything. Also, when I find myself reading the same sentence over and over, I know it's time to call it a night! I usually get up early the next day to finish. A few hours of sleep is better than none!
Profile: brilliantRiver83
brilliantRiver83 on Jun 7, 2016 more
It's time to take a break or stop for the night when you can barely keep your eyes open or you're struggling to focus and pay attention (like you've read the same paragraph 3 times and you still don't know what you just read).
Profile: Gaara
Gaara on Feb 6, 2017 more
You should put off or finish studying when you don't feel like you can concentrate for awhile, not because you're hungry or bored but maybe because you can't keep your eyes open and doze off a lot. You deserve to get rest or else you won't be able to remember what you studied as well. :)
Profile: romanticthi3f
romanticthi3f on Jul 24, 2017 more
Oh great question! I think making this decision depends on a few different things: - When are your assignments due? - How are you feeling? How is your mood, and are you getting enough sleep? - What sort of progress are you making in your study? Do you feel like you're travelling along well? I hope this helps! Maybe it could help to chat to a listener and kind of get your whole situation from there :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 22, 2015 more
Taking breaks every 15 minutes or so while studying helps to be able to concentrate better. It's hard to stay focused on one things for so long, so taking breaks definitely helps. When you feel those breaks are no longer helping and you still can not focus on your work, I think that's when you know it's time to stop for the night, or when you start to become too tired. Being too tired will not help to retain the information you are trying to learn.
Profile: FlyMal
FlyMal on Apr 5, 2015 more
There is a point where you should give up studying for the night. Personally, I try to make my cutoff 12AM, but too many times I stay up till 2AM. That is completely unhealthy, and quite frankly dangerous for teenagers, especially. I feel like the time you go to bed is always somewhat personal because your school could let out really late or really early - no one knows your exact situation. In short, make sure that you don't just study the night before, and that you get enough sleep to fully function the next day in school. If you can't stay awake, there's no point in going to school, because you are going to miss everything, and your teachers will not be happy about it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 27, 2015 more
If you feel like you aren't learning anymore. There is no point in studying if you aren't learning anything.
Profile: Rabbit3ars
Rabbit3ars on Jul 6, 2015 more
It's really great to look up some learning-tricks. Did you know that there are certain times of day where our brains can remember more efficiently?
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 10, 2015 more
When you get tired. If you are tired you wont retain anything so it's best to get a good nights sleep and continue in the morning :)
Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean on Sep 15, 2015 more
When you feel you are tired and exhausted and can no longer focus your thoughts on where they need to be. Everybody is different. Your body will surely tell you when you when its time to lay down.
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