Why do I wake up feeling very sore and achey?
Dec 9, 2015
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With many thoughts comes many movements and as such makes you ache and sometimes more tired,its a state of mind,go to bed head strong and wake up feeling the same
Dec 9, 2015
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Well it could be for several reasons, but the three major suspects would be an uncomfortable bed, an unlucky sleeping position or sleep walking type activity.
For most people a firmer bed leads to a better nights sleep, and if you have a proneness to back pain (because you have hyperflexibility for example) then you would benefit from a firmer bed. Also make sure your pillow is supportive and of a good thickness that if you lay on it, your shoulder does not take on too much pressure from your body weight.
Position? Most people sleep best on their sides, there is not much you can do about how you move in your sleep though! Focus on comfortable clothing and a good supportive bed, then you won't need to move so much in your sleep to become comfortable.
You may be active in your sleep (I am a lot) and you may want to use a fitness tracker to check this out if you think it is a possibility. Lots of sleep activity is often inherited genetically, but also much increased if you are stressed. It might be an idea to talk to your doctor about stress and sleep disturbances if this is a problem you have.
Best advice? Invest in a supportive bed, you will not regret it.
Dec 11, 2015
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Your not sleeping well. try to get an early night and do a little less during the day :) try not to have caffine before bed :)
Dec 9, 2015
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Maybe you are not using a proper mattress. You could consult a medical practitioner to help you identify the correct type of mattress that suits your body. Also, it could be that you are over working or not getting enough rest for the day. Or you could be staying up late.
Dec 11, 2014
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Have you been to the gym? Do you sleep well? Is your bed comfortable enough? You might want to consult a physician.
Dec 11, 2014
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it can be a number of reasons. I used to wake up with some sore body parts, turned out the position that I slept in was either just hurting me or was cutting off blood circulation to my arms or legs. But it could very well be that the bed you are sleeping in is not of a good quality for your body or is getting a bit too old. I'd advise you to either see a doctor or go looking for a new mattress.
Dec 27, 2014
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This is something that you should see your Doctor about.
There are a long list of reasons that you may have this problem and speculation isn't helpful.
Dec 11, 2015
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Sometimes I wake up feeling this way and I chalk it up to me sleeping in a weird way. In my experience, It usually happens in the Winter when you are more likely to unconsciously toss and turn to hit that sweet spot where the covers just wrap you up and you feel like you're being enveloped by a warm cloud!
Dec 12, 2015
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It might mean you slept in a funny position or you fell asleep with your joints tensed up. I used to get back pains all the time, and I found stretching before you go to bed is really benificial because it loosens your muscles up and therfore your more comfortable.
Jan 8, 2016
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Depression can be one of the cause. But I would say Sometimes we don't follow ergonomics which is way important. Do some exercises and sit and sleep in a proper posture .. Keep calm and relax You will be Perfect!
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