What could it mean if I am sleeping too much?
Jun 16, 2017
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You could be depressed, or (IN SOME CASES) you could have a sleep disorder, if you feel it is inhibiting you daily life, you should see a specialist
Jun 24, 2017
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It could be a number of things. It could be something as common as being tired after doing a lot of work but on the other hand, it could also be more serious and mean that you aren't sleeping properly/enough for long periods of time. It could also be a symptom that you're losing motivation.
Jul 15, 2017
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Sleep is an important part of our life. Scientists suggest that people who have difficulty sleeping or don't sleep much often can't remember as well. If you sleep lots and still feel tired, even after getting out of bed and starting the day, it could mean that you are ill or have low iron in your blood. Different people need different amount of sleep, and some sleep heavier than others. Sleep is good and natural, but if you are concerned about the amount of sleep you are having, please see a doctor.
Jul 20, 2017
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Sleeping too much could mean a number of things! It's important to ask yourself what's currently going on in your life. Are you working extra? Did you just start a new routine? You could genuinely be more tired, or catching up on sleep. If this continues for some time and you see your motivation to get out of bed take a dive, you could be sad or depressed. Are you grieving? What do you define as "too much sleep"?
Aug 3, 2017
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Sleep is a beautiful thing, it's a way to recharge and fade away for awhile. But the best things are only good in moderation, if you find yourself always wanting to sleep or sleeping much longer than normal ask yourself why. People tend to over sleep when they are depressed or anxious. It's a why to avoid problems or to fade away. This can become very destructive so be aware.
Aug 18, 2017
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Sleeping too much can mean a few things. It could just be that you are really tired but from a psychological experience sleeping too much can be a symptom of depression. As with all things there is no sure thing for everyone but the trend of sleeping too much has been noticed in depression.
Sep 3, 2017
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Sleeping too much can be linked to a lot of different things, including stress, depression, anxiety, &c. When did you start sleeping too much? How much is 'too much' for you? Remember that each person requires a slightly different amount of sleep, so it's possible 'too much' for someone else is actually just right for you. There is a Sleeping Well guide on 7cups that might provide more clues to you: https://www.7cups.com/sleeping-well/lesson1.html
Oct 19, 2017
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You could have health issues, You could be fighting off a bug, or you could be avoiding uncomfortable things in your life. Id suggest a check up to make sure nothing health related is going on. After that start writing it down. Are you sleeping to avoid seeing someone or getting something unpleasant done? Is there a particular dream that is reoccurring that you may need to work through? Best of luck to you in pinpointing what it is.
Nov 8, 2017
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Sometimes sleeping too much can be a result of a lack of exercise or Vitamin D, which is provided by the sun. I would go out more, maybe go for a run every once in a while.
Nov 16, 2017
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Well, when I was depressed I used to spend my time sleeping because sleeping madr the pain non existent. It's a way of escaping sadness.
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