What could it mean if I am sleeping too much?
Mar 7, 2019
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The body is trying to repair itself and get the rest it’s been denied. But if a person regularly sleeping for long periods, it can be a symptom of something more serious like depression.There’s no doubt that getting enough sleep is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle, but too much sleep can be a signal that there’s an underlying health issue. If you’re consistently sleeping more than 9 hours a night, or sleeping long amounts of time but not feeling rested, it’s a good idea to see your doctor. Talk with them about your symptoms and sleep habits. Keep a sleep journal and any notes on how you’ve been feeling, and bring these notes with you to the doctor’s appointment. This information can be helpful to your healthcare provider.
Apr 10, 2019
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Sleep is one of our bodies main ways of healing and repairing and is an integral part of having a healthy body and mind. Sleeping too much can be a symptom of a wide variety of physical and mental health difficulties. We can commonly attribute it as a symptom of low mood, stress and anxiety. Perhaps you've even been working extra hard and your body feels a need to catch up! If you feel that sleeping too much is having a negative effect on your social, professional or personal life, it is important to seek professional opinion to help determine a cause and form a support or treatment plan that works for you. It is a common problem that you are not alone in.
Apr 27, 2019
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You could have depression or you may not be having a restful sleep. If you are not having a restful sleep it could mean that you have a lot on your mind or may have a sleeping issue that you could and should take to a doctor. There could be many reasons why you are not having a restful sleep. Depression could, and often times does, result in feeling exhausted and feeling like you have not slept enough. Either of these issues should be considered and taken to a doctor as there are many ways that the issues could be solved
Jul 17, 2019
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Honestly, it could mean any number of things! It could be something that is medically going on or it could be something psychological that is going on. I have been diagnosed with depression, sleep apnea, and vitamin D deficiency, so it is literally a triple whammy of sleepiness!
I still almost always feel tired towards the end of the day and given the opportunity on the weekend, I could sleep all day long. It could mean any of those things I mentioned above or any number of other things! My path led me to my doctor, my psychiatrist and lots of bloodwork and lots of trial and error.
Oct 31, 2019
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Sometimes our bodies just need sleep, don't fight it too much unless it it interfering with your ability to carry out important daily tasks! Especially when we are younger and in a period of life where we are growing, our bodies require rest, and a lot of it! Sleeping too much can also be a sign of depression or other mental health struggles. Some medical issues also have the symptom of excessive tiredness and the need for a lot of rest. If it is something that is concerning you, I would urge you to speak with your doctor or other healthcare provider just to error on the side of caution.
Nov 2, 2019
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If you are sleeping too much, it could possibly mean that you are pregnant. If this is the case, congratulations!!If you are not pregnant it could also mean you are depressed. If that’s the case you may want to seek help from a mental health professional. If you sleep too much, you could end up over- sleeping and that could make you tired. I was sleeping too much and that was one of many symptoms of depression I was experiencing. I went to a mental health professional and that is where I was diagnosed with seasonal depression. Be safe guys and never ignore your symptoms.
Nov 3, 2019
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Sleeping too much can mean several things. It could mean that you are not getting good sleep or that you have been staying up late and getting up early in the last few days. It could also mean you are developing depression or anxiety. These are more serious. If you notice that you have been feeling down or hopeless, eating too much or not enough, feeling more irritable, or loosing interest in activities you usually like, then you might be depressed. Talk to a doctor if possible about getting treatment or check out the 7Cups depression sub community. As for anxiety, if you have been feeling more anxious lately, feel as if something bad is going to happen, have more anxiety attacks than usual, or feel more stressed, then you might have an anxiety disorder. Talk to your doctor if possible about getting tested or check out the anxiety sub community here on 7Cups.
Dec 5, 2019
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Sleeping a lot does not necessarily mean someone had a lack of sleep, was exhausted, or was sleepy. It can also be due to an effect of stress, depression, or a sleep disorder.
Personally, I sleep 8-10 hours as my regular sleeping schedule. When tired, I sleep in more on the weekend until 14-15 hours. Others may see this as sleeping too much but this is my normal sleep. There could be other people who has similar sleep schedule.
But I know when I sleep more than usual, it's not due to exhaustion but emotional stress and depression I previously faced and overcame.
Dec 11, 2019
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It could mean you are depressed. You could be you are not getting enough sleep. It could mean you are not getting good quality sleep. It could mean you are not eating enough. Start tracking your habits. Maybe you are not getting enough exercise. Do you feel less energetic than usual? Are you happy? Do you get enough socialization? Are you stressed? Are you overworked? Do you have things to look forward to? Talk to a friend or family member. Take a break. Meditate. Try relaxation techniques. Practice grounding and mindfulness. Stand up for yourself. Be nice to yourself.
Dec 20, 2019
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Sleeping too much can mean many things, but my guess as to what it could mean the most often is if your body is pleading for more rest. If you exercise more, your brain and body will require more rest to be able to heal from the work of the day. Also, if you eat a lot of food per meal, your body will go into a sort of food, when sleeping swears to digest the food before you awake in the morning. In the end, it is not bad to sleep, but not that great if you were sleeping more than is recommended. I mean a lot more, not just an hour or two. If you suffer from sleeping too much, I wish you luck in learning how to regulate your sleeping habits!
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