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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 22, 2016 more
It depends on how much sleep will have you fully rested, it is usually around 6-10 hours a day. If you wake up feeling refreshed and energised, then you've slept the right amount of time :) however if you have any sleeping problems that may reduce the quality of your sleep then you may not feel rested even when you've slept long enough.
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Profile: NaturalScience
NaturalScience on Jun 26, 2016 more
This depends on your metabolism, environment, age, health, and activity level. Most people do well with about 8 hours of sleep. As we get older, we may require less sleep. Over-sleeping and under-sleeping can leave us groggy. Experiment. Keep a log of when you go to bed, when you wake up, and how you feel. And if you just hiked 12 miles that day, sleeping extra is necessary! Recharge your body. After a good night of sleep, you should (as the Zen master tells us) be able to "cast off your sheets and jump out of bed as though you were on fire!"
Profile: Natalie04
Natalie04 on Jul 1, 2016 more
If you are a teenager, 8-10 is the recommended amount of sleep you should get at night. As an adult, 7-9 hours is the recommended amount of sleep. more
Sleeping right time is the most important thing ..we must sleep atleast 6hours that too at the right time
Profile: Textingpals
Textingpals on Oct 30, 2020 more
Sleep is necessary for a healthy mind and body. I think, one should sleep for eight hours a day. That necessarily doesn't mean you sleep for eight hours straight at night or something. You can divide the time slot into two parts: afternoon nap of one to two hours and a proper sleep of another six hours at night. If you can't manage to sleep for eight hours, you can try to get at least six hours of sleep. Have a healthy sleep schedule, and try to avoid using devices just before you go to bed for those disturb out sleep schedule.
Profile: petitebrise
petitebrise on Jul 2, 2016 more
The general recommended amount of sleep is 8 hours every evening. Different age groups sometimes require less or more. You can always find out what personally works for you. The best way to do this is to track how many hours you sleep every night for a month. At the beginning of the day, write down how many hours you slept. Before going to bed at the end of the day, write down how your energy level was during the day and if you noticed any side effects (headaches, fatigue, couldn't focus, etc). At the end of the month, look at what days you had the LEAST side effects and felt the MOST energetic, and find out how many hours of sleep you recorded the night before. There's your magic number!
Profile: OaklandHarleyCoffee
OaklandHarleyCoffee on Jul 13, 2016 more
On average, a person should get around eight hours of sleep daily. This doesn't include laying there awake, or just sitting in bed. If you don't get around eight hours of sleep it can make you grouchy, tired and un happy. Sleep is important!
Profile: Missionmagic101
Missionmagic101 on Aug 6, 2016 more
You should get at least eight hours of sleep a day but the important is that when you wake up you feel well rested and feel like you have enough energy to enjoy your day.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 13, 2017 more
Newborns (0-3 months ): Sleep range narrowed to 14-17 hours each day Infants (4-11 months): Sleep range widened two hours to 12-15 hours Toddlers (1-2 years): Sleep range widened by one hour to 11-14 hours Preschoolers (3-5): Sleep range widened by one hour to 10-13 hours School age children (6-13): Sleep range widened by one hour to 9-11 hours Teenagers(14-17): Sleep range widened by one hour to 8-10 hours Younger adults (18-25): Sleep range is 7-9 hours Adults (26-64): Sleep range did not change and remains 7-9 hours Older adults (65+): Sleep range is 7-8 hours
Profile: PrettyCupcake00
PrettyCupcake00 on Feb 28, 2018 more
Hey love! It actually varies on the quality of sleep but a normal human being should get 8 hours of sleep daily!
Profile: lime9226
lime9226 on May 9, 2018 more
Around 7-9 Hours of sleep, a night for the average person should be good for you! But it can depend on your age!
Profile: RainbowConnection74
RainbowConnection74 on May 19, 2018 more
It differs from person to person, but usually between 7 and 9 hours is best for improving mood and concentration during the day
Profile: BooksHugsandTea6370
BooksHugsandTea6370 on Jun 27, 2018 more
Hey, this is a great question! It shows you know that sleep is important for your body and your brain :) Unfortunately there is not a 'one size fits all' sort of answer for this question. How much sleep you need can depend on many things, like your age or your activity level during the day. Also consider things like your individual internal clock. A friend of mine wakes up at almost exactly 5:00am pretty much every day - without an alarm clock! :O Then there are other factors like, if you are on medications or if they have side effects of sleepiness. Other things to consider are how well you slept last night and your average for the last week. There are so many things to think about! This is a very good question to talk about with your doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist. For of course, they'd know you and your situation better than I do. Maybe a *very* simple answer would be, hey if you're tired, get some sleep :) or even take a nap. A good nap length is 20 - 60 minutes. Regarding naps, my doctor said naps are just fine, but "Set and alarm, and get up!" :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 3, 2019 more
Commonly known, humans should get sleep for around 7 to 9 hours a night but it varies from each different person. This gives the body and mind time to recover from day to day activities. If you're busy with work or other stuff that effects the sleeping time, at minimum you could try to get at least 1-3 hours sleep to reguvenate the mind and catch up on it later that day. The quality of your sleep directly affects your mental and physical health and the quality of your waking life, including your productivity, emotional balance, brain and heart health, immune system, creativity, vitality, and even your weight.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 17, 2020 more
How much sleep you need depends on you and your body, but generally speaking, it is recommended for healthy adults to get 7 to 9 hours of consecutive sleep every night. If you are sleeping more or less than the recommended amount, you may want to speak with a doctor. This could be normal for your body, but this could also be a sign of physical or mental health issues. Either way, it is always recommended that you practice good sleep hygiene by going to bed at the same time every night, avoiding stimulants like caffeine, and limiting naps during the day to about 30 minutes. more
That really depends on every person individually! Adults ages 18-25 should get between 7-9 hours of sleep per night. This is the same for adult between 26-64. Once you reach 65, you need at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night! This is according to the National Sleep foundation. Check out for helpful information. Getting enough sleep can definitely be quite tricky. Here are some helpful tips to getting to sleep: -Stick to a sleep schedule, even on weekends. -Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual. -Exercise daily. -Evaluate your bedroom to ensure ideal temperature, sound and light. -Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows. -Beware of hidden sleep stealers, like alcohol and caffeine. -Turn off electronics before bed.
Profile: adrianam09
adrianam09 on Jun 22, 2016 more
Sleep is a big part of how your feeling. Typically, 8-10 hours; but if you feel you need more, go for it!
Profile: adaydreamer
adaydreamer on Jun 24, 2016 more
At least 7 hours but that depends on your age. Sleeping to 5-8 cycles is the ideal to a perfect night of sleep.
Profile: Vins10
Vins10 on Jun 24, 2016 more
At least 7 hours a day you should sleep. But how much sleep do you need is up to you body.
Profile: phasmophobia
phasmophobia on Jun 25, 2016 more
The amount of sleep you need depends on your age, body, and lifestyle; however the National Sleep Foundation recommends teenagers get 8-10 hours of sleep a day, and adults get 7-9.
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