Jan 9, 2015
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There are a number of reasons to stop self harming but I think that in my view at least self harm is more of a symptom of distress and stopping self harming or even finding the motivation to while underlying emotions and difficult situations remain the same will be very hard. However this does not mean you cannot find reasons not to but for many people these reasons will be unique, although in answer to this question a few common ones might be
1.Risk ( either from infection -with some forms of self harm, doing more damage than you intend, and well I am sure you now get the picture).
2.Prolonging the time you take to stop may make it harder as it becomes a learnt behaviour and you rely on it more as a coping mechanism.(so stopping now might make it easier than in the future).
3.The effect on others (ok this is a controversial point but when other people know you are self harming as much as I would hope they would support you it can be very distressing for them as well).
4.Chance to have better coping mechanisms that you can use more openly (this is using the assumption that the majority of your self harming behaviour is done privately but you might find that you are able to develop coping mechanisms that allow you to live a 'calmer' life because they can be used in more situations or even socially -such as listening to music.
5. Body image -this is not a concern for everyone but some people believe self harming if the method results in scarring can negatively effect their self esteem and ability to socialise and be open with other people.For example limiting the options for activities which would otherwise be enjoyable such as swimming or Tennis.
Jun 29, 2015
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You do not deserve the paint you are inflicting upon yourself. You are not responsible for any of what you are going through. Self harming will not do any good but finding alternatives like jounraling, venting,drawing, anything that doesn't involve hurting yourself or others. Find a support system like a school counselor or a best friend.
Mar 20, 2015
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If you are asking why you should stop self harming, one of the reasons is that self harm can be dangerous. cutting, for example, can lead to infections or worse. Some people who harm themselves want to feel pain. If that is the case, get yourself a piece of ice and hold it in your had as long as you can. It will be painful but it will not have any lasting damage.
Sep 15, 2015
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Self harming is a coping mechanism. No one deserves to have scars on their body, or deserves to think that they do. There are so many different ways to cope with depression, eating disorders, anxiety, ect. Choosing one that doesn't hurt yourself can not only be more helpful, it'll also be so much better in the long run. I used to self harm a lot when I was younger. Now, I'm not depressed anymore but I still feel sad every time I look at my body and see the scars. You deserve happiness and to be healthy:)
Sep 22, 2015
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The longer you go without self harming, the better you will feel about yourself, and the better you feel, the less you may need to self harm and so on. You can put your mind to other things instead of constantly thinking about your addiction to self harm.
You will no longer have to worry about the harsh judgement of others regarding your self harm, and the feelings that go along with being judged. You will be a stronger person because of stopping, letting go of an addiction is an extremely difficult thing to do and is something to be proud of. It will teach you to look at things in a different way when it comes to coping with problems. Many people take up a new hobby of some sort to keep their mind distracted. You will no longer feel the need to hide from others, keep secrets and push people away. You will know that you have stopped for yourself and not to please other people.
Jun 4, 2015
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Self harm is stupid as you are destroying your own body. You need to think. Your body is like a car, if you cut the tire, how can it drive?
Feb 22, 2016
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Your body is a home that you live in for an entire life time. Would you want to destroy and vandalize your home?
Mar 3, 2020
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It will not give a solution to your life. Remember that there is still someone who loves you. That is true and final. No one will not love you. You are a conqueror! You may find that you can take all the pain, anger, and worthlessness through more pain but No. I believe that you can stop and start your path on the road to healing. After that I’m sure will see the beauty of life and those around you! You might feel like ending it all but what’s the fulfillment you get. I know you’re sad but a lot go through it too and you are not alone. Where ever you are I CARE FOR YOU.
May 4, 2020
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I believe that self harm is a way to relieve stress and pain. but it is only temporarily. There is other ways that can help you in th long run. remembr that theres people to talk to. When you self harm you may think its helping you at least for that moment but that pain your feeling will still be there. Learn how to manage it talk to someone. rememebr that your not alone. Talking to someone is he gretest thing you can do. You create a support system and its good that you will never be alone. Dont give up !
Dec 29, 2015
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Self harm leaves bruises. Think about when you grow up do you want people seeing and asking about it. I know it may seem like it's the only way to calm down or something, but it's only temporary. Hurting yourself doesn't make problems go away it won't fix you it's the opposite it can make you feel even worse later. There's so much ways you can help yourself feel relieved and calmed not by hurting yourself. Talking to someone is one of the ways. You need to understand your feelings and not make them take over you. Deal with them step by step it takes time.
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