How did I get addicted so quickly to cutting?
Jul 20, 2015 more
When you cut your body releases chemicals in your body that make you feel good, so much like other things that feel good that can be addictive (a decent example in this case is how people can get addicted to sexual pleasure) it is really just that you want to have these chemicals that feel good and the cutting is the way your body has gotten used to getting it so it is the way it will have an addiction to getting it.
May 6, 2015 more
Because what you feel when you cut is relief. It makes you feel better, so you keep on cutting and get addicted from it.
Apr 16, 2015 more
Because the first times the best. The first time you experience the relief. That's why it's addicting. The relief gets out of control. You want more and more. And then you keep doing it. It's a cycle.
Jan 25, 2016 more
Cutting is highly addictive. When you cut and combine positive thoughts with the action or feeling you want to do it again. Od you don't have any negative emotions about it or do it regulary the body falls into a state of a habbit.
If you cut please concider to go to a psychologist. They can and will help you. Talk to someone. You are not alone.
And remember: You are beautiful.
Oct 25, 2016 more
Cutting is a coping skill that becomes a habit, our brains release chemicals that view it as a stress relief
Oct 27, 2016 more
you got addicted because it momentarily took the pain away. its not a safe coping mechinism. seek professional help, or talk talk to a trusted individual.
Jan 24, 2015 more
in your brain it makes serotonin which makes you feel like everything is better for a while. its same like smoking or running, you start to be addicted.
Feb 7, 2015 more
Usually someone around you does it. And when you start you have this surge to do it. It usually develops fast.
Jan 29, 2015 more
It's easy not to go to work/school. It's easy to stay home and watch television all day. You fall into a routine and especially if bad influences are involved, makes habits hard to kick. Rearrange your priorities and have a vision. Pave your way and nothing will stand in it !
Apr 29, 2015 more
Cutting is an addiction just like smoking, drinking and drugs. It's quite easy to get addicted to the temporary relief that cutting gives. It can give a sense of control to the individual, control that they may not have in their normal day to day life. But like all addictions, it can be beat, there are many other positive coping strategies that can be used in its place.
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