How can friends help me to stop hurting myself?
Nov 7, 2016 more
They can be the people you call when you feel you want to self-harm. They can't judge you, just be there for you when you need them, no matter what.
Dec 12, 2017 more
The best thing they can do is be what they already are-your friend. If they can support and listen to you through your situation, that can really help more than you’d think.
Jan 18, 2021 more
Friends are the light to your tunnel of darkness. Not all though, some might be the cold air that blows out the only flame of hope that has kept you going on for ever. But those aren't friends those are misleading souls trying to make them selves feel better by drowning others to help themselves survive. Real friends find that needle in the hay stack for you. Friends are going to help you see the real you, the you that your eyes have been blinded to see. They will show you that you matter that they can not funtion with out you and thus you can not function with out them. You will feel the small light turning brighter and brighter making your world full of joy. They will give you a purpose to live for and that will stop yo ufrom harming your self
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