Why do I have a gut-wrenching feeling down my stomach after a friend told me something I disagree with, not physically, but emotionally?
Jan 16, 2017
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Probably it has to do with your wish to voice the difference of opinion. However, you suppress it for fear of being misunderstood and putting strain upon the relationship. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Mar 2, 2017
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You're free to feel this way, you most likely like you said in the question, you disagree with what your friend told you. Best thing though, talk to them about it. It might help with what they told you.
Sep 28, 2017
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When you have a difference in beliefs with someone close like a friend, you might experience that gut-wrenching feeling. It's fairly normal - Conflicting values makes a lot of us feel that way.
Oct 6, 2017
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As humans, our bodies are tied to our emotions. We have very strong intuitions, which most people might refer to as "gut-feelings". It is important to honor those feelings as a sign to examine what might cause your emotions and body to work together to send you a message. What is going on in your relationship with this friend? Did they say something that you have personal history with?
Mar 8, 2018
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Did you know that your stomach has nearly as many nerve endings as your brain? It picks up our emotions and it is part of the autonomic response to stress.
When we were cavemen the fight or flight response saved us from being eaten and the gut would react subconsciously and give us that tell tale feeling that something was wrong. Now that feeling lingers with us and when our sub-conscious feels a threat or any kind of emotional upset it can react and give us that feeling.
Apr 5, 2018
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This sounds like anxiety. It makes the stomach feel all tied in knots or like there are rocks in it? This is a normal physical response to emotional angst. It generally eases with time but if it’s causing distress in daily living or disrupting the friendship then a heart to heart talk may be in order. Sometimes that will help ease the discomfort all by itself.
Apr 11, 2018
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I am not a professional, but it may be because you thought that they, as a friend, would be on your side and now you are kind of disappointed in them and your own jugdment your friend isn't. When one makes friends, they usually think they know that person really well and feel home with them, so it's completely understandable how confused one can be when they get to know new sides one doesn't like on a person they thought to understand fully. So sure, something like this must hurt, loosing your perception of your friend a bit after you thought to have found him.
May 18, 2018
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So you feel upset when you disagree with a friend? Have you noticed if this happens w/ every friend?
Nov 3, 2019
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We take offense at things that threaten who we are: our reality, our narrative, our place in the world, our identity. When someone says something that undermines who we are or what we believe, it makes us want to shout back at them, defeat them with logic or stonewall them completely. Through avoidance or aggression we can relieve that gut-wrenching feeling. Yet the differences don't stop -- there will always be someone who disagrees. To resolve this, we need to look to acceptance and boundary setting. How can I accept I can't control this person's opinion (or anybody's opinion, for that matter) next time it happens? Do I need to place boundaries on them? Do I need to place boundaries on my expectations?
Jul 20, 2020
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it sounds like you don’t know how to respond when someone says something you don’t see eye to eye with. this is because it may seem scary to communicate your personal views on the matter because you don’t know how the other person will respond. you want to keep your friendship and disagreements can come between that. it sounds like you care for the other person and you don’t want to do anything that will jeopardize the relationship you have. i’ve been in the same position and i learned that it helps if you ask more questions and try to stay open minded. don’t be afraid to show your curiosity. it will do so much more for you than you might think.
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