Best way to get over a break up?
Aug 11, 2015 more
Time heals most wounds or at least doesn't make them sting as much. It's hard, for sure. I found that, for me, looking for peace was the best way. Just distancing myself from the memories, like I was looking through a glass panel, helped. Try and remember them as good times and nothing else. No nostalgia, nothing else. It'll take time but you can certainly do it. Until you feel ready, distract yourself with friends and music, maybe a good cry in good company to let it all out. Best wishes :)
Aug 20, 2015 more
Learning to go different ways is difficult. Try to gain support from friends and family and not to be alone with your ideas.
Aug 22, 2015 more
Drink a lot of alcohol. Eat a lot of chocolate. Try to talk with someone close? No, any of those won't help, as much, as realising that relationships end up for some reason, and opening your eyes, leaving the past and becoming stronger with another experience in our lives.
Aug 27, 2015 more
Try and focus on why you broke up. Turn the negatives into positives and start focusing on yourself.
Aug 29, 2015 more
There are a lot of ways one can get over a break up and people have different perceptions on what [for them] is the best way. Break ups take time to heal and digest [more so when the break up was done in an unhealthy way]. But one way [which I find as one of the best ways] to get over a break up is through acceptance. Accepting the reality that you and your former partner have gone on separate ways. You would feel the hurt and the pain of the break up but it is always good to remember that there is a reason why you had to go on separate ways. Think about the learning you can get from it. "What have I learned throughout my relationship with my former partner that I could work on to be able not to have such experiences again?", "What have I learned that could help me understand more about myself and my preference when looking for a partner?" Those are just some of the questions you can reflect on. Please note that it would not be helpful to dwell too much on the hurt and the pain. Turning those hurtful and painful experience into lessons would not only help you understand more about your preference when looking for a partner but it also help you assess how you handle relationships. Apart from that, you may look for something else to do that can take your mind of the hurt and the pain of a break up. You'll know the best way for you once you have decided that you want to get over with the break up.
Aug 29, 2015 more
I would write all my feelings out on a paper and burn it. I'll keep the ashes where I'll always see. Every time I look at that place, it'll remind how silly I'm to be with him and remind me that I can be strong.
Aug 30, 2015 more
Accepting it and dealing with it. Rather than be in denial. Honestly, if this happened, it happened. Thats it. Its not the end of the mammoths!
Sep 3, 2015 more
in my opinion, you never get over a break up. when you love someone, you'll love them forever. you can have other relationships and you'll eventually get better.
Sep 3, 2015 more
Seek the comfort of loved ones, they will always be there to help. Take some time for yourself by doing something you love, like going to a spa, reading a book, or buying something you really like.
Sep 4, 2015 more
Theres no specific way to get over a break up. Sometimes you just have to rely on "time" and "healing" in these situations and to know that the feeling will eventually pass. Only you can decide what is right for you and when you are done healing. If its a problem that interferes with your everyday life, perhaps seeking help with a therapist or counselor can help.
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