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Why do my kids always start fighting right when I'm doing something important?

Profile: Chevy81
Chevy81 on May 19, 2015 more
Because they want my attention. So they're doing so to grab attention from me. When I'm doing something important, I tend to concentrate so hard and it makes me almost forgotten my kids.
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Profile: crixa
crixa on Mar 12, 2015 more
They seek your attention. You could find them something to keep them occupied while you are working.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 2, 2015 more
They start fighting when you need to do something important because of coincidence. Although, from a kids point of view, it is our job to be annoying!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 9, 2015 more
Kids fight. It is a fact of life. You probably notice it more when you are trying to get something accomplished. On the other hand, if you generally take on projects for hours on end and ignore your children, they are probably just trying to get your attention.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 16, 2015 more
If you are doing something important, your attention isn't on them. So they seek a way to keep your attention back on them.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 16, 2015 more
Because- they're kids! When you were 5, the most important thing in the world to you was that one moment. Because the next moment and the one after that didn't exist to you. Children live in that one moment, and they don't understand that they're affecting a bigger picture.
Profile: Maheen
Maheen on Feb 2, 2016 more
Kids always want to grasp attention of all family members... So when ever he feels that others are busy in gossip of any important discussion so he felt him self ignorant just because of making himself important he starts doing irritable things like tapping hands or feet or shouting .kids want to become apple of other's eye ☺ So mother's should be worry just to pay little attention towards their kids and try to engage them in different healthy activities but in positive manner 😊
Profile: wisdomhound
wisdomhound on Mar 29, 2016 more
Because they want to feel important and connected to you. We have a 2.5 year old and 5 year old and it happens to us all of the time. The best approach I've found is, if possible, to take a brief break in what you're doing and use the Socratic method to state observations and collectively problem solve "It looks like _____ is happening is that correct? Wow that's hard. I need your help with something, can you help me? Mommy's working on XYZ because of ____ and I'm noticing that _____, what do you think we can come up with that helps us all to get what we need?" or something like that, just staying receptive, open, and inquisitive goes a LONG way.
Profile: KurtCups711
KurtCups711 on Jul 24, 2018 more
They want your attention and time. It helps to have another adult around when you need to accomplish something important. Try to set them up with a more lengthy activity before you start working on something important. (Building legos, coloring, video games, water balloons, etc.)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 22, 2022 more
When you seem busy, your kids feel like they won't be taken care of. Maybe that's why they want to attract your attention by fighting. If they start fighting, they'll succeed in distracting you. And also, when you are watching them, they tend to be more concerned on what they speak and the way they talk to each other, means, watch their mouth. That's why they are less likely to start a fight when you are not busy and are aware of your kids' behavior. I think you can let them know that you can take care of them after finishing your important work. And also you can tell them that you have to do something important in advance. Perhaps that might be helpful.
Profile: InsightfulPhoenix
InsightfulPhoenix on Feb 19, 2025 more
I'm sorry that you are dealing with that. Children can seek attention in adaptive ways (positive ways) and maladaptive ways (negative ways). Something that has helped me with my child who does things in maladaptive ways is the S.T.E.A.M method which essentially is setting boundaries/ being firm, tactful interactions, empathizing/validating emotions, having them acknowledge why they are upset/recenter themselves and teaching them ways to move forward. Sometimes it is easier said than done, but the S.T.E.A.M method is a life saver
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