How can I tell my parents that I'm gay?
Jun 21, 2020 more
You are so lucky that you have admitted to yourself first that you are because many people cant they care about others opinion instead of this as I understand you care about your parents opinion and you want them to be happy for you so you have to tell them that being gay is more into you unless you will be unhappy or trying to hide things from them but dont worry i think they will understand you are their child they love you for who you are whatever you do they will never stop loving you
Jun 26, 2020 more
pick a quiet, calm time when you tell people, which will give you all time to talk about it. remember that coming out may be more of a process than an event. 6 If family or friends react in a negative way, it won't necessarily be how they always feel. give them time to get used to the news. but, if you dont feel comfortable saying the words ¨i am gay¨, then you could find a coming out song, and send it to them, or this way is fun, hide hints around the house, for example saying go to couch, and then have there be a note there saying go to tree, in backyard, etc. until they get to a note that says im gay.
Jul 24, 2020 more
It sounds like this is something that might have caused you quite a bit of anxiety. The only person that would know how to do it best is you. You would understand how your parents would react. I can't give you any advice because it might not be helpful or even relevant to the situation that you are in. I understand that you might fear that your parents may react in a very drastic way to your confession. What do you think is the best case scenario or the worst case scenario for how telling your parents that you are gay could work out?
Aug 20, 2020 more
There are a variety of ways depending on how secure you feel with them, as well as what you know their outlook on the LGBT+ community is. One choice is not coming out at all, and rather just bringing home your partner and introducing them then. A different option would be to sit them down before an event (work, sleep, school, etc.) and tell them, this way they will be able to think about things when they're not immediately next to you, and that will hopefully give them time to become supportive if they aren't immediately. If you think there's no way of them reacting badly, you can have more fun with it! Maybe send a little gif or video their way, announcing it that way. Good luck!
Sep 23, 2020 more
I would sit them down in a public place, and then just speak from the heart. Often we can underestimate how much people love us. You are deserving of love and anyone who does not accept you does not belong in your vicinity regardless of familial bonds. Have you received info to make you think they would not respond positively? If so than public would be best. You can also consider speaking to them separately if that will make you feel more at ease. I hope this help. Regardless of the outcome the community here will be willing and available to support you.
Oct 3, 2020 more
Many people would struggle having a conversation with their parents about their sexuality. Even though you may have thinking about this for a long time, you must remember for your parents this could be new information. Think about what you are going to say and pick a good time to chat with them. If it doesn’t go as well as you expected, let them know you want to end the conversation for the time being. First reactions don’t always last.
Your sexuality is your own. If you don’t want them telling others, please say.
Now you’ve opened the conversation on your sexuality with them, you don’t need to close it.
If they have any questions you can talk together.
Whether it went well or not, remember to tell yourself that you are proud of what you have done and that positive steps have been taken.
If you have any hesitations on whether to tell them or not, there is no rush, no pressure on you. Be kind to yourself and take your time in whatever you decide,
Oct 15, 2020 more
This is a difficult one for you as you feel it will carry a risk that they will no longer love you.
As a parent myself, I know that we love our children regardless. Whilst some parents may be disappointed, often it’s because in their mind they have your life planned in their head and coming out will throw a curve ball.
More often than not, parents tend to know and it isn’t always a surprise and it’s a relief when it’s all out in the open.
Often the fear of something is worse than actually doing it. So find a moment and approach one or both of them in a quiet setting and just say “I need to tell you somethingâ€. And just say it.
It’ll be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do but having the freedom to live the life you want to live in the open will be so worthwhile.
Oct 25, 2020 more
It seems you are having trouble with telling your parents about your sexuality.
How is your relationship with your parents?
It sounds like you have parents that care about you, in their own way, and that they may have high expectations of you. Is this accurate?
What is the best case scenario, if you tell them?
What is the worst case scenario, if you tell them?
How do you think they will react, if you tell them?
Parents are made to love their children unconditionally. Do you believe that your parents will love you no matter what?
Telling my mom that I was transgender was very difficult, and telling my dad was even harder. I want to be understood, so bad, even now. I know exactly what you are going through, and I support you.
Dec 4, 2020 more
I am no expert in this area however, this is my suggestion. Create a safe environment around you and yout parents and slowly ease them in. But when telling them be straight up and dont dodge the truth that you want to tell after the waited time - however long it may have been. I know that you are scared and nervous, but once you tell them you need to give them some space; it is a lot od pressure on them since they dont want to harm you in any way. Some of your guys parents may not respond in the way you wished they did, because its not every day they get blessed with such a special human being. Just because you feel different about your sexuality does not make you any less human, even though you might feel like a freak. Which is completelly false!! You are as much of a human with equal right sas you were is you were attracted to the classically assigned gender. If your parents are finding a hard time to wrap their heads around this educate them a little bit, indtroduce them to similar people. The most important part is to talk between you guys, because silence will not bring you any justice. And if you are stressing over this or perhaps you are scared I am sure that every listener in the 7Cups community would gladly hear you out. We love you no matter what your sexuality is ;*
Dec 25, 2020 more
Many feel that they cannot open up to their parents about sensitive and controversial topics such as telling your parents you are gay, however the majority of parents will be there for their children and will love you no matter what! Some ways to metaphorically cone out of the closet are to sit them down and talk them through hoe you are feeling and answer any questions they way have so they can better understand you. You could even come out with a cheesy joke or a simple text message if the thought of talking up your parents one on one scares you. Whatever happens though you always have others around you to support you and love you as you deserve.
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