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Profile: Alo
Alo on Sep 13, 2014 more
Panic attacks are just the result oh too much stress, too much things going through your head. You can deal with it, ask me or someone else to help.
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Profile: Urgarlayessica88
Urgarlayessica88 on Oct 29, 2014 more
It depends on the person, but I have had panic attack in the past. Not a good feeling at all but you can learn to control them and see what trigger them. So you are not alone! want to chat more message me Urgarlayessica
Profile: LexyBee
LexyBee on Oct 20, 2014 more
Panic attacks can be very frightening and intense, but they're not dangerous. An attack won't cause you any physical harm. It is your bodies normal reaction to fear.
Profile: Openminded
Openminded on Oct 23, 2014 more
Panic attacks are most of times the result of the pressure we cause to ourselves. When we cannot express our emotions, then the body takes action. You are not going crazy with the panic attacks. You don't have to worry about that.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 29, 2015 more
Panic attacks may be normal depending upon your individual personality. We are all unique and react to life in different ways. more
Panic attacks are obviously not supposed to happen if you aren't in danger but they are completely normal if you suffer from anxiety or any form of panic disorder or hypochondria. Panic attacks are actually your body trying to help you, it thinks there is a danger (even if there isn't) and gets you prepared to fight it or run away. The problem with panic attacks is sometimes they occur when there is no danger present - this is common with anxiety and panic disorder. The single best treatment for this is CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) which can be done through a psychologist. Your doctor can also prescribe both short and long term medications to combat panic attacks, short term examples are Atvian, Valium and Alepam and long term examples are antidepressants and SSRIs, one of the most popular being Lexapro. Biggest piece of advice I can give? When you start to panic don't fight it. Ride it out. And don't try to 'stop' anxiety or 'stop' panic. This won't work. You just need to manage it.
Profile: Againstthegrain
Againstthegrain on Oct 26, 2014 more
Everyone can experience panic attacks at stressful times or after stressful times in their lives. You are not crazy! They are very scary but are manageable and seeking help is always a great step forward!
Profile: Artemis6
Artemis6 on Nov 1, 2014 more
Panic attacks are normal. Some people have severe attacks for a duration of their time, and then they'll never have it again. Others however have panic attack due to the stress that they're facing and its the body's natural response to either fight or flight.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 17, 2014 more
Panic attacks are common and are usually associated with anxiety. Panic attacks are commonly in response to a loss control in our situation.
Profile: cuddlySong88
cuddlySong88 on Sep 5, 2015 more
Panic attacks are nothing to freak out about (that pun was horrible. Sorry.) I deal with them all the time, and they can be quite hard to deal with. Everyone has dealt with one at least once in their life, so you're not going crazy. However, if you continue to have panic attacks, and they begin to overrule your life, I'd recommend seeing someone who might help you :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 31, 2015 more
you're not crazy for having them, they're completely normal. many people experience them, so you're not alone.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 18, 2015 more
yes they are but then it's about constant having fear inside and worrying about something and makes you dizzy, faint or even can't breathe proper ..and that is you feel you are going crazy. But if you do more relaxing at this stage like using techniques e.g. listening to music, watching movies, and also get yourself into physical activity like sports or travelling or do something that you feel happy and enjoy the most.
Profile: kittykat
kittykat on Oct 30, 2014 more
The occasional stress and anxiety in response to environmental stressors is normal, but panic and anxiety attacks -- particularly repeated panic and anxiety attacks -- are not normal. The best thing you can do is reach out to a mental health professional to have the attacks evaluated and treated. However, if you don't have access to medical care, community outreach and support is the next best thing! 7cups has several guides to managing anxiety, emotions, panic attacks, and caring for oneself.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 3, 2014 more
I wouldn't call them normal, no. Most people do not experience panic attacks. However, having panic attacks does not make you crazy. They might be more common than you think they are.
Profile: PoliteOcean
PoliteOcean on Sep 2, 2015 more
Although it is normal to have them depending on your situation, but if you have them regularly or they have been ongoing whether with or without a reason, perhaps speaking to a healtcare provider, counselor or therapist will help.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 9, 2015 more
A great deal of the population has at least one panic attack in their lives. In this sense, panic attacks are normal. However, they may be the symptom of something else -- ex. anxiety about a given situation. Panic attacks are a way of reacting to a situation, so if you have a panic attack, don't feel you're going crazy. It's just a bit scary, but it's not at all a sign of a serious mental problem. The best thing to overcome them (apart from obviously going to see a psychologist) is to read a lot about how they work, the symptoms, etc. This way, you can have more knowledge on panic attacks and see that they are more normal than what we normally think.
Profile: PrincessPea247
PrincessPea247 on Sep 19, 2015 more
There are statistic that show that most adults will have a panic attack at least once in their life. In that respect they are fairly common. You can't say that the are 'normal' because everyone definition of normal is different. But, it doesn't mean you are going crazy. Panic attacks can just be something that we experience in our lives. Some people may have lots in a very short space of time and then never have them again, some may have them consistently throughout their lives and then there are some that won't have them at all. I guess you just need to know that you are not going crazy and that we are all here for you.
Profile: eyestohear
eyestohear on Sep 27, 2015 more
some say they are and some say they arent but when you get one just focus on something to distract you like a hobby or something and try to relax your breathing it helps a ton
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 27, 2016 more
panic attacks happen with a lot of people but they are afraid to speak about it because it makes you feel like your going crazy and make others think your going crazy when in fact its not the case at all its probably more common than you realize I know because I have suffered them in past myself you just need to learn to sit down a for a few minutes take a few deep breaths and find something to focus on have someone help you and support when this is happening as well then before you know it you will back to your normal self again
Profile: Livie543
Livie543 on Jan 30, 2016 more
Panic attacks are perfectly normal and often signs of an anxiety disorder. You are defiantly not crazy, just in a stressful place. You should seek help and talk to someone about what leads you to have these attacks. Do not feel there is something wrong with you and try not to keep everything to yourself.
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