What is the difference between Perfectionism and OCD?
Mar 4, 2017
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In simple terms, the difference is you control perfectionism and ocd controls you, if that makes any sense. However, it is much more grey that that, I can admit such. Perfectionism is wanting to perfect and ocd is having no choice. But, a person with ocd can say they are just a perfectionist and visa versa. Either way, it can be destructive to the person. I dunno if that helped, very interesting question.
Jan 10, 2018
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Perfectionism is the attribute of seeking ultimate satisfaction with a task being done or the outcome of anything from looks to jobs. OCD is the irresistible urge to satisfy one's compulsions and that causes anxiety and distress.
Aug 13, 2016
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There are various symptoms of OCD , perhaps trying over and over till something is perfect is one of the symptoms. Personally , i think OCD is more broad than perfectionism.
Sep 30, 2016
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OCD is a disorder where you have to perform certain rituals on a regular basis to keep anxious feelings at bay. Perfectionism is merely part of a personality in which you like things to be a certain way, but it won't make you feel anxious if these things aren't a certain way. For instance I have OCD and I have to keep my lamp facing down. This isn't because it looks perfect that way, but because I need it to look that way or I will feel anxious.
Jun 28, 2017
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The difference between perfectionist urges and OCD compulsions is the feeling of panic when you imagine (or try) not doing the urge/compulsion. Perfectionists will be upset if they don't do something the way they feel they needed to while someone with OCD will feel that something bad will happen to them if they don't do it until it's right. Also, perfectionists are usually more able to explain where the motivation comes from where as people with OCD often can't explain the reasons behind their compulsions.
Sep 20, 2017
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Perfectionism is where a person sets, often times, unattainable personal standards. People who deal with perfectionism will often be overly engaged in their work, especially related to school or academic pursuits; often times they strive to reach their personal goals, but inadvertently move their goals ('moving their own goalpost', so to speak), and never actually reach them. Perfectionism is related to depression, anxiety, and occupational burnout.
OCD on the other hand is an anxiety disorder characterized by obsessions (repetitive/recurrent thoughts) and/or compulsions (repetitive behaviors that reduce anxiety). Societal portrayals of OCD can often be misleading as a person having a strong preference for order, liking things neat and clean, or being particular about certain things. In reality, OCD is a debilitating and (at times) crippling anxiety disorder that prevents people from enjoying their lives and engaging in regular activities.
There is not really a 'treatment' for perfectionism as it it not a disorder; in extreme cases treatment can focus on occupational burnout and related conditions, self-care strategies, and depression. Treatment for OCD consists of therapy aimed at reducing anxieties and helping the person identify their anxieties and restructuring them (in a therapeutic sense).
Oct 4, 2016
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Perfectionism should be helpful to you, like motivation. OCD will affect your ability to function in daily life.
Mar 12, 2017
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Perfectionism is an urge to make everything perfect. OCD is an disorder that causes obssesive thoughts. This thoughts causes compulsive behaviour. A person who are perfectionist wants to do their job perfect and flawless. A person who suffers from OCD will have obsessive thoughts like "If you don't make this perfect, something will happen." and that thoughts leads to Compulsive behaviour such as checking the job progress like four times a day, urge to make everything flawless etc.
Apr 9, 2017
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Perfectionism is where you want everything to be perfect. You want everything to be just right and you don't want anything to stick out or be different. OCD is where everything has to look and be the exact same. Nothing can be different or change. You have to have certain things in a certain or exact spot and if it's different then you have to change it. It's hard for anything to be out of order.
Nov 11, 2017
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Perfectionism is a want for things to be perfect e.g. Being tidy or having things in colour order. OCD is a mental illness where people have a compulsion and have to complete an action in order to ease the anxiety. E.g. Someone might think "if I don't touch this 27 time, then something bad will happen to my mum" and this causes so much anxiety which is not relieved until the action is carried out. These thoughts are very real to the sufferer and have for the majority of a day.
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