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Profile: Nilo1602
Nilo1602 on Sep 8, 2016 more
Because there's nothing worse than crying alone, it feels like even if it hurts so much, no one cared because no one was there.
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 7, 2017 more
You feel worse after crying maybe because you feel weak. Many a times, we think of tears as a symbol of weakness, when in reality, they aren't. You don't cry because you're weak, but because you've been strong for too long.
Profile: Laurlily
Laurlily on Jun 7, 2017 more
Sometimes putting yourself back together after falling apart can feel very difficult. You might feel feel physically ill--headache, tired, etc. You might feel emotional still or embarrassed. What ever it is, be gentle with yourself. Feelings are incredibly hard to control, Try to focus instead on positive thoughts, or even better positive actions. These things all have an influence on each other. If you feel terrible after crying do something like wash your face to start fresh. Take a walk if you can, physical movement helps move our minds along as well. Do something on your to do list. Most of all, treat yourself the way you would a dear friend who is going through a hard time.
Profile: AlexHart
AlexHart on Aug 28, 2016 more
Because crying doesn't fix the problem so you basically wasted time that you could have been using to find a solution. Sure it's ok to let it all out from time to time but crying all day doesn't change a thing.
Profile: Espirit203
Espirit203 on Oct 5, 2016 more
You may feel worse after crying as your body has spent energy on tears as well as the other physical factors associated with crying. You may also feel worse after crying as your emotional state is tired and your mood was worsened.
Profile: CharlieMorningstar
CharlieMorningstar on Sep 7, 2016 more
While crying is a fantastic emotional outlet, it also leaves you dehydrated! Your sinuses get clogged, your eyes get irritated, and you're probably very emotionally drained, which can drain you physically, as well! How you feel physically can easily affect your emotional state, so it's easy to feel worse when you're bogged down like that. Always make sure to get a glass of water after crying, and if you're up to it, walk around a little, even if it's just walking in a circle in one room.
Profile: Angelwings63
Angelwings63 on Aug 26, 2016 more
Its the guilt that you feel due to our upbringing, that we are doing something wrong. Remember, showing your emotion is not wrong. It is necessary. A good cry will in many ways relieve and make you feel better.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 27, 2016 more
if you feel worse, crying may not be right reaction to your is not thing you need the can think over how else could you give react your issue.your reactions might being conflict with your thoughts.when you find your right reaction, ıt is makes you feel better
Profile: casiodaisy
casiodaisy on Aug 12, 2018 more
Crying can really take it out of you physically - it dehydrates us, it can cause headaches, it can even cause nausea if crying too hard. However it is a really good an important emotional release, so after crying make sure to take care of yourself. Drink a big glass of water, eat something small, take a painkiller if you have a headache, and get some rest.
Profile: lovelySea14
lovelySea14 on Aug 18, 2016 more
Because I think I am weak because I cried, because I remembered things I didn't want to remember, because I show others weakness and I am embarrassed.
Profile: Deliah453
Deliah453 on Jul 1, 2020 more
Usually when people cry, it either helps them to feel better or sometimes even worse. That is mainly because you feel vulnerable after having your guard up for too long. Conventional wisdom usually appears to attribute women to cry more, whilst the functioning and anatomy of tear ducts helps distinguish such facts from myths. A research study, held by Jonathan RottenBerg, the lead author of the study, where an article was published in the Journal of Research. There were 3000 participants where one-tenth of them had felt worse after crying. It was also found that it depends on who is crying to find the results. If it is just a bad situation, stress yet get good emotional support, they tend to feel better while those who have anxiety or mood disorders, feeling lonely and lost, tend to feel other otherwise. Crying is a mechanism that usually helps to calm the body down from its negative state of high blood pressure and high breathing patterns. It is to help the body and mind to tune into better moods. However, be careful and make sure not to get dehydrated. Emotional tears help cope with stress and otherwise prevent bigger complications like heart problems.
Profile: TherapyPrince
TherapyPrince on Jul 22, 2016 more
It may be coming from the aftermath of crying, sometimes after you let out your emotions physically such as crying, you can feel very tired or uncaring due to your energy being drained. With that being said, because of your lack of energy, it can cause your emotion to still bounce and be unsettling.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 14, 2019 more
People don't like being vulnerable. I think it's because when you cry in front of someone or even alone, you cry about something that matters to you. We don't see other people crying, so we think it's a sign of weakness. We don't want people to pity us or look at us as we're weak. Crying about something also means that it matters, and things that matter hurt us. Personally I cry all the time, and more often than not I do feel bad about it. Sometimes I think I'm making a big deal out of something trivial. I don't like crying in front of others because it makes me realize how helpless I show myself.
Profile: Greatlistener87
Greatlistener87 on Jul 21, 2016
Managing Emotions Expert more
Because you have let out everything that you really felt and poured it out. Feeling all that emotions while crying is not easy. But to get yourself back up after letting it all out thats the hardest part.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 20, 2016 more
Normally people feel relief after crying, at least that is my personal experience. However when dealing with situations were one feels helpless, perhaps the realization of not having control of the reality affecting us can make it seem worse. I know when my father past away nothing could make me feel better. It took some time. Time is a healer and we need to be patient with ourselves and honor the process. Can you tell me more about why you feel this way?
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 30, 2018 more
that may be an apathetic feeling... i get it all the time after i cry. but i like it because i know ill get back to normal soon... keep in mind that these feelings are never permanent. you will be laughing and enjoying things again.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 31, 2016 more
In my experience, I used to "need a good cry" from time to time and that seemed to make me feel better. But in the past few years, crying makes me feel worse. Much worse. Something about my body has changed (we are changing all the time) and now a cry gives me migraine, or at least a bad headache. It makes me eyes red and my eyelids swollen. And it wipes out my energy. Because crying makes things worse for me, I am motivated to find healthy ways to deal with the original problem. I breathe, deeply and slowly. I change environments - go outdoors or go to a different room. I surf the internet to get my mind off the problem for a little while. I talk to someone. I hope this is helpful to you.
Profile: Textingpals
Textingpals on Oct 30, 2020 more
There are many reasons for that. May be you think crying is something only weak people do? May be you think crying isn't very 'macho' or something to be proud of? May be you see it as a sign of weakness- breaking down in the middle of the night? However, I believe, crying is something that makes us human. It is a sign of you being strong for a long period of time. It is a sign of you fighting and finally realising the battle wasn't worth it. It is a sign of you being a warrior, fighter who realised he/she was fighting the wrong battle. It is a sign of you trying to pick yourself up again. Trying to create a monument from all those crumbs. Or it simply is a sign of you holding up for so long, you planning to win the other half of the battle. You have been holding things up, carrying so much of weight for such a long period of time, it's time you let certain things go. It's time you cry and let those things flow away with your tears. It's time you cry and acknowledge how beautiful the emotion is.
Profile: Flags
Flags on Aug 12, 2016 more
After the emotional whirlwind you just went through, you now get to reflect on what happened, thus comes the regret and self-loathing
Profile: Here4u2smile
Here4u2smile on Aug 10, 2016 more
Because you feel like life is so difficult but. Think about how you have so much to be thankful for. So many people are fighting harder waes
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