Aug 8, 2015
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Nobody can answer that question for you, nor is there a one answer fits all for that question. If you find yourself feeling this way and its been a long time, you may want to seek help with a healthcare provider, therapist or counselor who can help you to get to the bottom of why you may feel this way. They have the knowledge and can provide the necessary skills that with time and a little effort may help you move forward.
Aug 8, 2015
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Daily life is draining; and the emotional roller coaster that comes with it desensitizes us to the good and the bad of life. It is normal to feel tired from time to time and sometimes it's okay to feel emotionally numb. All we need is time for ourselves and to unwind. If the issue persists, like you always feel numb, it is a good idea to see a professional for help.
Aug 8, 2015
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Feeling "numb" or without feeling can sometimes be a warning sign of depression, I myself experience this a lot although a short period of this is common when someone is feeling down or generally bad about themselves.
Aug 8, 2015
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There are various reasons that you might experience being 'numb'. Often it is to do with something in our lives that has got too much for our mind to deal with. This could be 'worries' so the result of being overly anxious, 'negative feelings' so the result of depression or feeling low, 'unprocessed memories' this is usually associated with trauma, 'events' for example the numbness after experiencing new of someones death. feeling 'numb' can also be the result of dissociation, or certain medications.
Aug 9, 2015
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It's maybe because you have alot of stress in the past few days or weeks. You just have to relax abit.
Aug 12, 2015
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Sometimes the mind can go into a state of shock, into survival mode numbing your emotions to get by.
Aug 13, 2015
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Objectively look back and identify the moment that reason or situation that caused the change of behavior.
Aug 13, 2015
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Both physical and emotional numbness can be frightening, and there are a variety of health conditions that can cause those experiences. They may also be caused by nothing more than anxiety.It's difficult to imagine that anxiety is the cause, but anxiety can have a profound effect on your body and mind. (http://www.calmclinic.com/anxiety/symptoms/numb-feeling)
Dec 18, 2015
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Numb in what sense? Where do you feel numb at? Feeling wise? Or physical wise? If it's physical wise, you may want to consult a doctor
Dec 20, 2015
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Over time, you've allowed yourself to avoid the problem because it's easier to block out the pain than to feel hurt and defeated.
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