Which emotions are normal and what's a normal level of feeling?
Nov 10, 2014
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I think all emotions are normal until they become a problem. We are humans and capable of so much but emotions can tend to take over and cause us to do something called emotional reasoning. It is true we look down on some emotions like hatred, jealousy, and even anger. But every emotion has a place in our brains. Our brains can decide on what to do with these emotions and even evaluate if the emotions are warranted. If you change the way you perceive something you automatically change the way you feel about it.
Mar 18, 2015
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'NORMAL' is nothing but an illusion. All it does is make us all suppress parts of ourselves because they dont fit in the idea of 'NORMAL'. Look around you, and behind that fog of normalcy, you'll see that everyone in different, everybody needs, wants, likes and desires different things. There is no 'NORMAL', its nothing but a poison to what you really are. Be yourself, Feel how you feel, make your own personal normal ;)
Oct 27, 2014
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All emotions are normal and how each of us react of display these emotions varies across the board. Dont worry if an emotion you are feeling is considered "normal" or not, worry more about if the emotions you are feeling are interfering with every day life. When that occurs, it is important to seek some kind of assistance.
Oct 30, 2014
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A normal level of emotions is where you don't feel so overwhelmed with feelings but you aren't so necessarily "high" off of the feeling of happiness. It's rather a comfortable feeling.
Sep 12, 2014
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Everyone has a different standard of normal. Emotions are relative to every person so there is no "normal" feeling. There are just emotions and living with those emotions in a healthy manner.
Sep 14, 2014
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I think every individual is different. What maybe normal behaviour to one and poeple around them may not be normal to other people. It really differs from person to person.
Oct 23, 2014
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normal is just a state of mind no two people are alike so your normal may not be the same as the next persons normal
Oct 23, 2014
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The emotion is normal, it's when we can still put our right and our responsibilities to be accomplished better. Normal level of feeling, it's when we don't lose our intention to fulfill your responsibilities.
Oct 26, 2014
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That's a tricky question, I'm not sure anyone is normal! Everyone is unique in the way they feel and in the emotions they have, and that's totally okay. It's also really common to feel like you're different to everyone else or that you're not doing things 'right'. But hang in there! If you're really worried about this though, try talking to a friend about how they feel about certain things, and tell them how you feel, and I'm sure you'll find it reassuring. If you're still concerned, then you can always approach your local health professional or therapist, or speak to a Listener here on 7 Cups of Tea.
Nov 1, 2014
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Actually normal is feeling up and down to various extremes at various times. But if you're constantly feeling something bothering you, it would be nice to talk to someone about it and see if there's anything that can make you feel better.
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