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What's the best way to get over a humiliating experience or situation?

Profile: thoughtfulDreamer99
thoughtfulDreamer99 on Dec 7, 2014 more
Accept that it has happened and that this sort of thing happens to everyone. People often unconsciously like you more if they have witnessed your embarrassment, because it shows them you are human and they will be able to relate to you more. Breathe... Does it really matter?
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Profile: adamabinta
adamabinta on May 2, 2016 more
Spend time with family and friends who love you for you, and who make you feel seen for the person you are, not the mistakes you've made. Also, work on projects that make you happy and build your self-esteem; set positive goals and work towards achieving them, and you'll get your self-confidence back. If the humiliating experience revealed some unbecoming character traits, then confront those traits and do what you can to change for the better. Finally, just give it time: the memory of the humiliation should fade, and eventually someone else will do something humiliating and take the focus off of you. Humiliation is a uniquely human and inevitable experience: we all get our turn in this unflattering spotlight.
Profile: AnnieAnne
AnnieAnne on Nov 27, 2014 more
In my opinion, the best way to overcome an embarrassing event is to remember it happens to everyone and that you're just human and therefore not perfect, and you will make lots of mistake in your life, and that's ok. Sometimes reading/listening to others embarrassing stories makes you feel not so awkward and alone too.
Profile: SoftWaterfalls
SoftWaterfalls on Nov 25, 2014 more
I would try to focus on my day-a-day and think it as a common situation, mistakes does exist and everybody have it
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 29, 2014 more
For me, it took realising that I could not change what happened. It was done and stressing out about it was hurting me
Profile: Johnny20
Johnny20 on Nov 25, 2014 more
If you're mad, find a way to safely take out your anger. Don't do anything drastic like self harm, perhaps buy a stress ball or go for a run. This is important, if you bottle the experience it becomes far harder to come to terms with and eventually forget.
Profile: SupportiveGal
SupportiveGal on Jun 12, 2017 more
It all depends on the severity of the situation. Some people experience humiliation when they are in an abusive relationship. If that may be the case for you, speaking to a trained therapist is probably the safest place to work through what is going on. If that's not the situation, then I would say one of the best ways to work through it is by talking about what happened with people you trust. Shame grows when things are kept hidden. Although you may want to avoid talking about it because it can bring up difficult feelings, trying to deal with it in isolation may make your feelings worse. Talking about the humiliating experience with someone who is non-judgemental and trustworthy can help your suffering pass more quickly.
Profile: EmpatheticEar
EmpatheticEar on Jan 5, 2015 more
Talk about it with a family member or friend. Try to find humor in it. Forgive yourself and be gentle with yourself. Tell yourself to let it go and try not to dwell on it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 25, 2016 more
To accept it and analyze the situation. How or why did I get myself in this. Learn from it, and you will keep yourself out. It's really humiliating if you go through it twice.
Profile: sereneArrow91
sereneArrow91 on Apr 17, 2017 more
The best way to get over a humiliating experience or a situation is to regain composure and understand slowly but surely that human beings also make mistakes. One must realize that it's okay to mistakes as it is the best way to learn.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 25, 2014 more
I usually joke about the situation and brush it off or try and make it into a joke or a laugh , otherwise you could just ignore it ever happened :)
Profile: StormWilliams
StormWilliams on Nov 30, 2014 more
Laugh about it! You'd be surprised, but I find myself able to stop beating myself up over situations if I laugh about it either alone or with someone else.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 6, 2014 more
Do something that makes you feel good, something that you are good and and proud of. This will restore your sense of pride. Better yet, reach out to someone else who is feeling down or humiliated, and support them by letting them know you care.
Profile: dotty
dotty on Dec 26, 2014 more
keep your head up! think of what happened and whats "humiliating" about it. maybe you will realize that we tend to throw a certain light on things...we are prejudiced and label people and situations. arent mistakes common? after all, we are human! so, dont be too harsh on yourself and have faith in you! a bad experience hurt you already, dont let it hurt you even more.
Profile: chale
chale on May 2, 2017 more
Learn to laugh at yourself! Humiliating things happen to everyone. Keeping these situations secret, as if they're something to be hidden, is only going to make you feel more shame and awkwardness. My suggestion? Find someone to open up to. As soon as I told some of my most humiliating things to someone - albeit a safe person I knew I could trust - I wasn't so worried about it anymore! I was able to let the whole thing go. Not that I would go around telling everyone what happened, but I'm able to feel okay about it within myself.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Oct 27, 2020 more
The best way to get over a humiliating experience or situation would be to acknowledge that the experience/situation is unfavorable & then learn to mentally accept that this single experience does not define your entire life path. It is okay to undergo imperfect circumstances. Everyone gets humiliated at times. You can also try to practice mindfulness meditation. Close your eyes and breathe. Focus on listening to your heartbeat and ease your mind's internal thought processes. Understand that you will be alright. You can surround yourself with a loving, support network of people who can empathize with your situation and not cause you further shame.
Profile: politeKiwi6010
politeKiwi6010 on Jan 18, 2021 more
Everyone experiences humiliating situations- it can often be difficult to completely overcome such ordeals, but I like to keep in mind that embarrassing things happen to everyone. If others around me continue to mention it even after I voice that I would like them to stop, I try to crack jokes about it myself so that talking about it does not appeal to them anymore. However, I understand that humiliating situations can often be very serious and not something to take lightly. In those cases, I try to not let my mind dwell on it. I like to consider if there was anything that I could have done to stop it, but I try my best to not assign blame or to think about it constantly/too much. Sometimes acceptance is key to moving on.
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