How to be good to yourself and to others?
Mar 23, 2022 more
Being good to yourself begins with appreciating yourself. It is sometimes hard to see how unique you are or how good you are. The best way to start is with grattitute. Take a pen and a paper, and begin to write things you are grateful for about yourself. No matter how small they may seem.
The other thing would be to be less harsh with yourself. Try not to be overly critical with yourself. Realize that you are human, and that sometimes you make mistakes- learn from them.
Being better to yourself can enable you to be a better person to others. It begins with you.
Mar 24, 2022 more
Take time to think before you say something, consider about how the other person will perceive your words, and how it will make them feel is an example of being good to others. While being good to yourself, for example is to speak kindly to yourself. If you are kind to yourself, you will have a great mindset. Notice the things you do well on, and don't beat yourself over your flaws. Nobody is perfect.
Apr 10, 2022 more
Being good to yourself and others doesn't happen overnight, but the road to it can start overnight. It's all about self-awareness and empathy towards both yourself and others. No one is perfect. Although we say this, we need to remind ourselves every once and a while. It also starts with small habits, such as making sure you're eating a little better than yesterday or taking a bit more time to be compassionate, rather than straight out judge someone. The more you engage in these kinds of positive behaviors, the deeper you carve a path for yourself of being good. Not just to yourself or others, just being a good person in general. There is always hope and change is always constant, so with a little change day by day, hope will diminish and be replaced with reality :)
May 7, 2022 more
Prioritize yourself. Learn to apply self-care into your life. Doing what makes you happy without hurting others in the process is also a great way. Reading motivational quotes to keep you going is highly recommended. However, if you're come to the point where you feel like you have enough self-love, please don't be surprised if ever insecurities come and invade your thoughts. It's perfectly normal to hear those thoughts and the best one can do is ignore them at all costs.
On to the next part, showering people you respect and care about with compliments can definitely brighten up their day. Even a simple act of kindness to those in need could not only help others, but also your well-being. I tend to find joy in helping others and I hope people learn to find bliss in it as well. Smiling and simply being there to listen to others rant and vent their feelings is enough, too.
Please keep in mind that there will always be challenges thrown at you in life. You'll fail and make mistakes countless times. And honestly? That's okay. It's okay to be a perfectly normal human being. It's not about your failures or mistakes, it's about learning to accept them and the way you see them as: discouragement or fuel to keep you going.
May 11, 2022 more
That's a nice question, I'm glad you're considering being good to yourself and others. For others, it is kinda relative maybe, so perhaps think about what is "being good" for you, who do you consider as a good human, what qualities do you admire in good people, what actions or behaviors make you feel good when you're around them or think of them. Being good to yourself is relative as well however it is a good mix of self care, self love, self compassion, self kindness, treating yourself like you would treat a loved one ~ acknowledging your strengths and needs and working on yourself, to be closer to your ideal self. I'm sure you got this, one step at a time. â¤
May 20, 2022 more
In my personal experience, being good to others is way easier than being good to yourself, somehow. Perhaps because social norms don't allow us to say uninvited words of criticism to people, but nobody teaches you to try and silence your own critic, or, better, to convert it to your inner cheerleader. So the first thing for me is trying to deal with that nagging voice that says you aren't good enough, you aren't worth living, you aren't smart enough, not sexy enough.. Then comes self care. Making sure you eat and sleep enough, drink enough water, get enough exercise. This is a challenge. So I would say for me the way to try and to be better to myself is to try and talk to myself as a friend would. And treat myself as a friend would, being compassionate and understanding. As for being good to others... I think the idea here is accepting that people have value regardless whether you approve of them, their behavior, lifestyle or whatnot. And just telling them that, trying to find points of connection rather than the points of contention, is the key.
Jun 9, 2022 more
You have to remember that you matter, and people care about you. Remember your younger self. How would you feel about hurting them? When you are cruel to yourself, you have to think about if you would treat friends, family or partners in that way. You have to remember that you are not alone. If you are struggling to be good to others, before you speak or act, think about how you would feel if you were treated in that way, and think about if it is kind, helpful, important or would help the conversation. Try and do at least one act of kindness and self-care per day, whether that is keeping a journal, holding or door open or whatever.
Jun 10, 2022 more
Trust your emotions and listen to them, just as you would for any other person. It's hard to not get caught in the day to day of life and to take a step back to breathe and take time to acknowledge yourself and your own needs. Take time to listen to yourself and to others. Be kind to those around you and especially be kind to yourself, you would be surprised at just how helpful it is to give yourself small positive affirmations throughout the day. "you did a good job today"
Give others praise and give it to yourself as well, you deserve it.
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