How to be good to yourself and to others?
Jun 14, 2019 more
Being good to yourself and others are two very different kettles of fish!
If you're looking to improve your self love, I'd recommend writing a short list of things you like to do to feel relaxed. Maybe write a diary entry or have a think about the things about yourself that make you happy, and things you're proud of (there's always something, no matter how small!).
To be good to others, ask them what kind of support they need. Check up on friends every so often and ask them if there's anything they want to talk about (especially if you've noticed them feeling blue).
Jun 30, 2019 more
Just make sure that you feel good on a daily basis. Not only on the outside or health wise but also emotionally and mentally.
Make sure you're stress free and happy. If you're not take some time out to make yourself stress free and happy.
Try to set goals that are achievable and when you don't achieve them don't feel too bad. Cut yourself some slack.
Try to enjoy everything once in a while. Go out to eat with someone , take a walk in the park , catch the latest movie or read a book.
Keep in touch with family members and surround yourself with the people who love you.
Make friends who are optimistic and supporting. Those who will correct you when you're wrong and help you get it right. Be with you when you need them.
And please,if you can't do any one of these things doesn't mean you're not being kind to yourself. We're all human and born imperfect. As long as we accept us for who we are and what our capacity is , we'll be happy.
Jul 4, 2019 more
I always advocate for treating others the way you want to be treated, and do not give more than you can give. Be around people who make you happy. Don't surround yourself with toxic people or you will start to feel bad. Remember to always validate yourself, its easy to put yourself down, but try to say positive things to yourself, and keep doing it till you believe those things. Remember to take time for self care whenever you need it. When you take care of yourself, and conserve your energy you become a better person and you start making better friends.
Aug 18, 2019 more
Try not to hide the truth, you can try to stay as honest as possible, to yourself because then you can review and understand better, to others because then they will have all the facts so that they later won't get confused and can asses the situation themselves first, also try seeing things out of different perspectives, for example: you have a problem about what you think about a certain event, you can look at this event from a negative perspective first, then from a positive one and finally from maybe an natural perspective.
You never know what you may learn!
Sep 25, 2019 more
Being good to yourself and others can truly make a difference in your day. Personally, I try to take time to think about my physical and mental health, what I would like to improve and how to do so, and do the things that I truly enjoy as much as possible. Being good to others can be as simple as just being there for someone when they need to talk, a shoulder to lean on, or just a friend to have fun with. I’ve found that really getting to know a person helps me learn what I can to do help them.
Nov 7, 2019 more
If you wanna be good to yourself and others, you always have to start eith yourself. Self worth self esteem and how we look at ourself as human beeings are really effecting how we treat ourself and others, if you don't love yourself, how can you love others? if you don't treat yourself with respect, then how do you expect others to give you respect? Tell yourself that you are worth it every single day. Tell yourself that you care about you too much to make that bad decision, because you know the outcome and consequence. The ultimate gift is to give someone else a reason to smile.
Dec 5, 2019 more
To be good to yourself, you need to learn to accept yourself and be happy with yourself. I find that learning to love yourself is truly important. We often forget to care about ourselves. Before you can be good to others you need to be happy with yourself.
When it comes to others we should just treat others the way we want to be treated. We are all equal. No one in this world is more important or superior to another. No one is lower than anyone else. We were all created equally and we also need to remember we are all human.
Dec 22, 2019 more
We can be good to ourselves by showing ourselves kindness, especially if we feel like we don't deserve it at times. We take it easy on ourselves and we do things at our own pace. We don't hold ourselves accountable for things we have not done and we try not to hold drudges against people for things that they have done. When we are truly kind and good to ourselves, being good to others comes almost naturally. Loving ourselves and appreciating who we are is the first step to loving those around us and appreciating them. Doing the things that we love is nice, but doing the things we love with those who we love is even better. There is no secret here, if we show kindness to ourselves and if we feel proud of ourselves for what we do, we are good and kinder to others.
Apr 11, 2020 more
Everybody needs a little selfishness in your life, along with being good to others. You deserve the exact happiness you give to other people, but sometimes you need to give it to yourself. Praise yourself, when you do something good give yourself a reward. Spend a little money if you need to, a $5 ice cream won’t break the bank. As for others, give everyone a nice little smile as you pass. A single smile can change someone’s mood instantly. Smiles are contagious. It also won’t hurt to ask someone how they are feeling. Not everyone is happy and some need a listener if they are struggling.
Apr 18, 2020 more
I think sometimes is easier to be good to others and not to yourself. At least for me I'm a very harsh person when it comes to criticizing myself, my work and even the ways in which I react to situations. I think that we can be more critical of ourselves because we are in control of ourselves more. To be honest, it took me a while to understand the importance of being good to myself and doing so can vary by person. For me, I do activities that relax me and make me happy those activities that let me give me time for myself to grow as a person but also emotionally.
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