How do I stop thinking about death?
May 23, 2018 more
Death is the inevitable thing and the ultimate destination of all of us.whatever happens everyone born on earth will have to die one is just a journey from birth to death.but for different people the duration and qualities wary.this journey is unprecedented no one can guess how long we will live but when you live leave all fears and be peacefull and spread happiness.make a mark of your that your life will be remembered by few.stop worrying and chill.death is there and it will come.let us face it as it comes and nit before it.after all great lives need not be long and long lives need not be great.
Aug 3, 2018 more
Death is obviously inevitable. You just have to come to terms that we all are going to experience death and live everyday to it’s fullest.
Sep 30, 2018 more
If an idea has a strong emotional tie, such as fascination or horror, it can become very compelling. On of the best ways to re-train the mind to turn away from a thought and attend to another idea, comes from Mindfulness Training. In this system of personal development, a person deliberately sets out to change the way Thoughts (and feelings) are dealt with.
Meditation is considered to be the fundamental building block for Mindfulness training, for good reason: it works. However, not everyone find that to be available to them. So people have developed CBT, or Cognitve Behavioral Training. This is, essentially, learning to watch one's thoughts and change the way they are expressed, evaluated, and responded to, which in turn can allow for the replacement of a distressing thought with one of more neutral, or even helpful value.
There is another kind of personal growth training, called DTB (Dialectical Behavioral Training) which adds Mindfulness, Cognitive Retraining and Social Retraining. These three together can be a very powerful tool for change.
My personal favorite is the Recipe for Change that i was taught, in 4 steps:
1) DECIDE to change;
2) decide WHAT to change;
3) CHANGE as much as you can, whenever you can; and
4) PRAISE yourself for every bit of change you accomplish!
This last step is very important, as it allows the mind to clearly understand what is desired of it. Most of us do not get enough Self Praise, and a little bit can have a lasting effect.
Aug 2, 2019 more
All people have anxiety about death, and it can be triggered to everyone. The fear about human inevitability is an overwhelming thing to come to terms with and more often than not, it can be all encompassing. Coming to terms with the inevitability to life is a hard step for anyone, but in the end, its not a bad thing to think about it, to think about what will happen to the people around you, and slowly come to terms with it is one of the only ways to truly confront it. Confronting the chaos and generating personal order throughout your thought processes can be very comforting and soothing throughout the journey of life.
There are lots of personal accounts on a multitude of medias that can help people overcome the fear of death, or at the very least be at peace with it. At the very least, living a life overcome by fear of death detracts from living a life that is whole and full of all the benefits of life itself. Finding peace in it, the fact that you will die, that the people who you love will die, and the people you've never met before will die is just a part of life, but its a part that you're not alone in fearing. Surrounding yourself with people who understand this fear, who love you and want to help you overcome this fear by being honest about it might be one of the steps, be it with your social network, or by looking on the internet.
Everyone is scared at one point of another and its normal, but living a meaningful life can help you overcome this fear, even if its gradually and at the very end, knowing you lived a life concentrating on life, rather than death will help you feel fulfilled and sometimes, thinking about the future, a little closer to now, rather than the then is the best way to handle your fear.
Aug 24, 2019 more
I am glad that you actually are acknowledging the reality of death unlike most people nowadays who think like they are immortal and they cheat , manipulate , take advantage of others for their own benefits. Would they do that if they accept that their time on this planet is limited and they are not going to take riches with themselves when they leave this world.
Reminder of death makes us humble , kind , generous , affectionate and compassionate towards mankind. It pumps in the feeling that we need to do something beneficial for the society , for our future generations. So I think ACCEPTANCE is needed to derail this train of thoughts that makes you anxious. Accepting the fact that you still have an opportunity to make you dreams come true ,to find the love of your life , to raise a child that treat others well, to leave behind a legacy that would be cherished by your successors. Quoting a thought of Chuck Palahniuk , " we all die . The goal isnt to live forever , the goal is to create something that will."
Feb 24, 2020 more
You were not born to worry about death, every living being has to experience it, so why wasting your precious time thinking about it? Life is short enjoy it, embrace it, live it, live every second of it. Do the things you love, travel, eat, read good books, spend time with your family and friends learn new things, do good deeds, and most importantly love yourself. Life is really precious, just live it and stop thinking of negative things. Your life has a value, a meaning, if you didn't you wouldn't be here, so embrace it. Surround yourself with all the positive things in life. Feel every moment of your life
Sep 14, 2020 more
By living in today! See we all are mortals. And its true to its core that the day we are born into this world, the timer of back counting starts. And this period is different for everyone and much of it also depends on how we treat ourselves. Though death is certain and everything has an expiry date, its better to focus on the journey rather than the destination itself! Take cheers, give support, do what your heart says, ask that girl/boy out, get that slim and fit body, travel the world and what not! The only good way to stop thinking about is actually seeing it something that would happen no matter what so not wait for it but live the best till we can.
Nov 4, 2020 more
Ok, on June 17 2020 I asked myself this question why do I fear death, cause no one has come back alive. So that‘s my reason for thinking about it. But as for you I have no information on why you may be thinking about this. These are my conclusions is that you want to die, or you just curious about death or that death is just something we learn to talk to ourselves about. So as for me when you want to stop thinking about something try to do something that prevents you from thinking of death. So probably no horror assassin movies or cemeteries ok. But to be real the thought of death is normal cause it’s going to happen. It’s something inevitable but there is always now, the present that we should worry about. So try to do other activities and learn that death is not something to be scared of cause it going to happen and that how life is. Wish best of luck with this. :)
Nov 13, 2020 more
When I find myself thinking about death, I don't try to fight it. Instead, I try to ask myself why I feel this way. If I can't seem to find an answer, I don't beat myself up about it. It is not my fault I feel this way and it isn't my fault for having these thoughts. It's okay to feel down at times. Sometimes, you just need to let yourself feel in order to move on. I can't control the hardships that the world throws at me, but what I can control is my reaction to the situation.
Nov 25, 2020 more
The better your acceptance regarding death, the lesser it will bother you. Try thinking why you've been having these types of thoughts , and work on that . For example , it could be your anxiety fueling these thoughts , or some previous unprocessed trauma . There might be stuck feelings as well . Also , try identifying your triggers , introspect why the triggers exist , and get help for managing them if the activity which triggers you is essential , for eg driving . Otherwise , removing/preventing those triggers can be helpful in the short term .
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