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How can I tell someone how I'm feeling without looking silly or weak?

Profile: Laura
Laura on Sep 11, 2014 more
Being emotionally strong and open takes courage. Be brave and just say whats on your mind. If you don't get the desired reply it's not because you look weak, it's because they do not know how to deal with your honesty.
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Profile: LaurenLizzy
LaurenLizzy on Sep 11, 2014 more
Telling someone how you're feeling can be the strongest thing you ever do. Talking about your emotions requires a great amount of vulnerability, which takes a lot of courage. Just be honest with yourself and with the person listening to you, and you'll do great.
Profile: RyanMW
RyanMW on Oct 21, 2014 more
Being honest should never be viewed as a sign of weakness or looking silly. It takes a lot of courage to tell someone else how you feel, and anyone worth your time will respect you for doing so!
Profile: Sofia
Sofia on Nov 15, 2014 more
Well, showing vulnerability can be scary, because we live in a culture where the emotional is considered weak. That culture is misguided. There is no way to tell someone how you are feeling without looking silly or weak, simply because when you talk about your feelings, you are NEVER silly or weak. You are just a human being, strong and self aware enough to know that they need to share and decompress.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 8, 2014 more
It usually helps to try and tell them you feel a little silly/weak before you open up. Like "Hey! I feel silly telling you this, but I feel...."
Profile: rayofhope11
rayofhope11 on Nov 20, 2014 more
Its tough, we put a lot of pressure on yourself when we have expectations on how a situation should go. We have to remember not to jump to conclusions on our people can respond or view us.
Profile: GoodGuyChad
GoodGuyChad on Nov 5, 2014 more
Ask yourself if it's worth saying. If it is, then it's worth looking silly or weak. You are a lion.
Profile: joeds94
joeds94 on Nov 12, 2014 more
There shouldn't be any fear in telling someone how you're feeling, it doesn't make you silly or weak, if anything it makes you look more mature and more proud of who you are and what you're feeling
Profile: Jessiexyloto
Jessiexyloto on Oct 25, 2014 more
When it comes to telling someone how you're feeling, I don't think you should beat around the bush or make him or her guess. Chances are, if you're honest and upfront with them, it's more beneficial.
Profile: Musicfreak
Musicfreak on Oct 31, 2014 more
You just have to tell what you feel. What you feel is important and you want a supporter for that. When the other thinks you're silly or weak, that's their problem.
Profile: runawayGirl101
runawayGirl101 on Nov 6, 2014 more
First, you have to talk to someone you are comfortable with. Figure out if you are more comfortable talking face-face or not. And lastly, pick someone you trust the most.
Profile: Kennedy7
Kennedy7 on Oct 17, 2014 more
Please don't ever think that discussing your feelings and thoughts will make you look silly or weak. Everyone feels the way you do at some point; it's okay. There is always someone here, or someone somewhere else in the world who is willing to listen. You just have to find them. :)
Profile: Brettlstar
Brettlstar on Oct 23, 2014 more
you can learn assertive communications skills. there are a wealth of material on communication skills and this is perhaps the most important skill to have in life. Effective communication solves so many problems as most problems are simply misunderstandings. Expressing your emotions are important but give them context so I often tell people to think "I feel because" and use I statements not YOU statements so you own your thoughts and feelings. Attaching the thought and the feeling in the one sentence gives a complete picture of what you feel and why. Just saying what you feel can leave people wondering why or worse, making assumptions.
Profile: Seremonia
Seremonia on Oct 23, 2014 more
Simply, say it with confidence and sincerity. The aura will reflect your condition like it's natural.
Profile: fromthesea
fromthesea on Nov 9, 2014 more
You can just tell them exactly how you feel. If you tell the right person, they won't think you're silly or weak. Just tell a good friend, a close family member or a school teacher you like, someone you trust.
Profile: Rivielle
Rivielle on Nov 8, 2014 more
You should tell it to the person whom you trust and who trusts you and just let it all out. True friends will understand you even if you look silly :)
Profile: Warlock
Warlock on Nov 8, 2014 more
Never feel weak for talking about your feelings. Just confront whoever you want to talk to and tell them, how they react is their fault, not yours.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 13, 2014 more
I honestly don't think people ever look silly or weak when they say how they are feelings. I think that is brave. By telling someone how you feel, you are opening up to them in a way that many other can't. Try to change your perspective or being weak and view it as being brave instead :)
Profile: tryempathy92
tryempathy92 on Nov 16, 2014 more
I don't think that you will look silly or feel weak at all if you have the courage to tell someone how you are really feeling. I have had some of the most incredible conversations when I have had a moment of bravery that has allowed me to share with another person on that level. Give it a chance! You'll be surprised what beauty you will find in yourself and others when you have such true and real conversation! :)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 26, 2015 more
If they are your friend, they will never think of you in that way. You will look strong because you are willing to ask for help.
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