How can I deal with feelings I can't find words to express?
Jun 19, 2015 more
Images can work, draw things to relax an calm you down. Anything that chills you out is good for dealing with emotions
Jun 21, 2015 more
Find a calm surrounding, isolate yourself from others in a space that's comfortable for you and quite. Try your best to focus on what you are feeling, giving yourself time to identify these emotions. What kind of feeling is it? Positive or Negative? Is it closer to anger or joy? Write down any kind of words you can think of, and slowly you will get closer to what you are truly feeling.
Jun 24, 2015 more
Take deep breaths and talk or write it out. I imagine a time when I felt different and list what has changed in my life. If I have an idea of what circumstances are affecting me I will have a better understanding of my specific reactions, ask myself how I'd prefer to feel and make a plan to achieve that goal.
Jun 24, 2015 more
Take your time, feelings can be explained in anyway, and converted into easier to understand meanings. Allow time for your brain to thinl, and your body to relax in order to calm down and provide an answer.
Jun 25, 2015 more
Often, you can express emotion through art in a way that words can never express. Art activates the right hemisphere of your brain.
Jun 25, 2015 more
I would do the following, in no particular order - exercise, dance, music, gardening, breathing
Jun 25, 2015 more
I generally try to write things down when I can't find words to express them. For a little while, I just write nothing and then sometimes what I need comes out. It can be a great release.
Jun 25, 2015 more
Lots of ways! Writing, music, art, running... sometimes just babbling to yourself until the right words come out. For me, reading always helped, especially authors that write about subjects I'm really interested in. When I'm feeling restless I read Henry David Thoreau, when I'm heartbroken I read Neil Gaiman.
Jun 26, 2015 more
Try to draw out your emotions. You can draw odd pictures that show how you're feeling and it still be fun and creative
Jun 26, 2015 more
Try looking them up by describing it as best as you can. Once I felt jealousy without realizing it until I fully understood what it meant.
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