Are psychopaths necessarily bad people?
Oct 12, 2018 more
Psychopathy is an atypical (rare) brain configuration, in which certain functions are not available; specifically, most emotions are not available to a person with psychopathy. It comes in a range, like most other brain functions, some people are less able to feel most emotions, than others. When such a person is raised in a kind and loving family, and has good social experiences, they can form a 'substitute' personal behavior guidance system, a 'set of rules to live by', that gives them social acceptance and trustworthiness.
However, when such a person is exposed to cruelty, neglect and suffering when young, they are much more likely to develop a desire to see shock and dismay on the faces of others. Since they are unable to feel these emotions themselves, they do not stop because of any empathy for the other person.
So, in brief, NO, people with psychopathy are not BAD people, but they can sometimes do bad things.
Nov 1, 2018 more
Psychopaths are defined as 'a person suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behaviour.' I don't think they are all bad people as many go on to lead normal, fulfilling lives and can even become great economical contributors!
Not everyone who shows certain symptoms should be treated in the exact same way because at the end of the day everyone is unique and processes things slightly differently.
Some are bad and some are good. Just like people without such mental illness, in my opinion, we all just need to be careful to ANYONE who is toxic in our lives.
Nov 22, 2018 more
I guess bottom line is that you decide. Psychopaths don't have a sense of what's good or bad and never feel remorseful for their actions. They won't care if they did something wrong.
I personally judge people primarily on how they behave. Not every psychopath is prone to the same behavior. I don't want to say they're all these monsters as mainstream media portrays them to be, but I think if someone does bad things and doesn't even remotely feel bad for what they did are a bad person. I hope this makes sense. I don't want to group or generalize too much.
Jan 2, 2019 more
No, of course not. Being a psychopath does not equal being bad, although the media are making the two words look like synonyms. In fact, psychopaths can be nice and very successful individuals, and often are. Many studies suggest that more than 1% of people are psychopaths - that means you probably met at least a few, on the street passing by, a student in school, maybe even a friend or a family member... Many people don’t even know they are psychopaths and live normally. This makes it obvious that only a small percentage of actual psychopats are harmful or criminals.
Jan 18, 2019 more
Psychopaths are not necessarily bad people. While kindness and respect is important, it is also important to be able to cope and help others with their own ideas. Everyone deserves an idea on how they can be good to society and treat others kindly. All through people’s lives there are different experiences and tough things everyone has to go through. It’s better when they can go through it together. It’s important to believe there can be someone there for you. It is essential to listen to others and help them with their problems. Not by giving advice, but showing them their own power of chsnging themselves and the world with kindness.
Jul 5, 2019 more
No. I think they can be someone who received abuse or hate from other. Simple abuse doesn't mean it'll make someone hate people. But if things like that happen at the same time continuously, someone can turn into a psychopath, I think. Psychopaths tend to act in their own accordance because they don't have anyone to listen to them. Nobody cared for them. And because they just want someone to look in their way, noticing their existence. That's why psychopaths tend to act brutally when their feelings are overwhelmed. Because they don't know what to do. However, they know that way someone will notice their presence, even though it's a bad impression.
Jul 10, 2019 more
People with sociopath know the difference between right and wrong, they just don’t care. Sociopath means lacking empathy. Psychopathy means lacking empathy plus a co-morbid mental disorder.
Having psychopathy does not necessarily doom people to be bad or do bad things. People with psychopathy have the freedom to choose their behavior.
It is important to note that people are not their disorders. Labeling is not beneficial. “Psychopaths†has been changed to “people with psychopathy,†just like how “schizophrenics†has been changed to “people with schizophrenia.†It is more humanizing.
The inability to empathize with others does not doom someone to be a terrible person. There are genetic and environmental factors that contribute to behavior, but the bottom line is choice, and people with psychopathy have this ability.
Oct 19, 2019 more
Everybody is equal and they deserve as much support as everybody else does. Maybe they just want some support that’s all they are doing no harm to any of us. Everybody is equal and they deserve as much help as normal people do just because they make bad chooses doesn’t mean anything. Things might have happened when they was younger no body knows . They deserve a chance.
Even if they are not in the right mind set
All they need to do is message one of our team and we will get back to them as soon as possible for them
Nov 13, 2019 more
Not always. A lot of them just live among the rest of us without these tendencies that the movies portray them as. This is not saying that all of them are good people either. Some can be bad people while others good. A psychopath is defined as someone who doesn't feel remorse or human emotions. While this can very well be a leading cause for crime, it's not always. There will forever be some psychopathic criminals and some non-psychopathic criminals out there. It's important to be careful around psychopaths, but know that not all of them are the dangerous murderers you see on TV.
May 30, 2020 more
Definitely not, but it all goes back to the definition of "bad."
Is stealing food for a hungry child bad? What is the extent to which a person can be defined as bad? Are we right to even judge and deem someone as bad?
Psychopaths are people who are forced to be that way or choose to be that way because of, well, life. Sure, some psychopaths are manipulative and tend to lie, but does that truly make them a "bad" person? Who are we to say that they are bad, or if they are even psychopaths?
If we classify bad as the action and not the reason, sure, some psychopaths are bad. In other words, suppose someone was (hypothetically) abused by a loved one, and in order to combat the hurt and abuse, they lost empathy, became more egotistical, and perhaps towards the personality disorder of a psychopath. Let's say, one day, they started abusing others and manipulating others. Does this make them bad? Some might say yes because they are after all manipulating others, but it may just be a way to protecting themselves, and the same occurs vice versa.
It becomes a question of whether lying, disregarding others, and manipulating others is considered bad. In our daily life, what is something that isn't manipulated? When we apply for jobs, isn't is competing with others? Which one of us did not include something considered bad we did before, whether how small or big. It could be a fight in the school cafeteria, something we said to another when we were just a child, or just anything. Is this not manipulation and lying by omission? Additionally, just become someone lost the ability to empathize, it does not mean they are necessarily bad either.
Whether it is true or not, it is important to remember not to judge a whole group of people by just a single person. Perhaps a psychopath murdered someone, but we can't say another is also bad. These judgements are just as bad as those racist and sexist comments. Even those who are not psychopaths are able to do bad things.
I suppose I included too many questions to respond to a question, so I will include one more statement to answer the question. Psychopaths are not necessarily bad people.
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