Oct 25, 2015 more
If your child has told you that they are gay, it is probably because they want your support and love. Try not to question why they identify as gay and instead asking yourself "How can I best support my child right now?"
Oct 25, 2015 more
there is no reason a person is gay. they are born that way. that does not make him any less of the person you love.
Oct 28, 2015 more
He's gay because that is the way he was born. He has a preference for male over female partners and that's what makes him feel happy and loved the most.
Oct 28, 2015 more
It's simple. Your son is gay because he is attracted to males and probably their genitalia (if he's not asexual, that is.)
Oct 28, 2015 more
Just because he is. There is no true explanation for why he is gay. As his parent, it's your job to support him.
Oct 28, 2015 more
Its natural there is nothing wrong with him, he is born like that and the best thing you can do is be there and support him through this difficult time.
Oct 29, 2015 more
Simply, he was born that way, as you were born straight, as I was born with brown eyes. It isn't something that's simple to explain, & for some people to understand. But it isn't something he could change even if he wanted to.
Oct 29, 2015 more
Your son is gay because thats just who he is. In a sexual way and love type of way he likes men. Dont be scared or ashamed of him thats just who you are. Also dont pressure him being gay right now is hard and people dont accept you as much. Try acting normal and make him love who he is. 😀
Oct 29, 2015 more
Because he loves who he loves and there race, gender, background and etc doesn't matter as long as he is happy. I don't know why he's gay but there's nothing wrong with being gay
Oct 31, 2015 more
There is no "reason" exactly as to why your son is gay. Its just something that he always has been and has just discovered or come to terms with.
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