Aug 29, 2015
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To be honest, there is no easy answer to this, I think your son must be struggling with this question as well, it must have kept the pair of you up nights and I'm sorry about that. Truly speaking, being gay is not a choice, he is just programmed differently than straight people, he's a unicorn. When he sees a person of the opposite sex, he feels no sparks, nothing, nada. I hope with time this isn't a question anymore and you reach a stage of acceptance where you can proudly tell people, "my son is gay."
Sep 6, 2015
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Because that's who he is, love is love regardless of the Gender he likes! Being gay isn't a choice it's just the way he is! It's like him asking why are you straight?! It's not a choice it just you and you are attracted to the opposite gender just like he's attracted to the sane gender! Just support him and let him know you still love him! It will be a very tough time for him! And he needs as much support as he can get
Aug 19, 2015
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Because he was born this way. Why do you question something your child cannot help? Support him. Love him. Put any prejudices you have aside and learn to be a good parent
Aug 20, 2015
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This is often a question for parents with LGBT youth. It is also a tough question because there is not always a right answer for the parent. My answer would be a simple one. Your son is gay because of biological factors, not psychological factors, something that your son cannot ever change. It was not something that was influenced by parenting or anything that happened when he was raised.
Sep 2, 2015
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There isn't really a concrete reason that your son is gay. It's just who he is.
In my experience, I just knew that I was bisexual, nothing caused it, it's just part of my personality - part of what makes me 'me'. If there's any way that I can offer you support, please just drop me a message.
Sep 2, 2015
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Because it's his choice. .........
his preference. because he likes men more than women.............
Sep 12, 2015
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I've gotten this question quite a few times. A lot of the thoughts that go through a parents head when their children come out are thoughts of blame and guilt, and are very often internalized and not brought forth to their child or even their spouse. I'll say, as a gay teenager, when I came out, I was worried about my father. He had always been weary of homosexuals and thought that we were just bad in general. Then, to think that his son was gay. I was afraid he would blame himself for my sexuality. So, here's what I let my father know, and what I want all the parents of LGBTQ+ children to know:
It is nobody's fault that people are gay.
All LGBTQ+ people, including myself, are born into it. It is not because of any traumatic experience. It is not because of poor childhood care. It just is. So, parents; don't blame yourself, because being gay isn't a bad thing. And, to my fellow LGBTQ+ people; stay proud, and live life to the fullest.
Nov 6, 2015
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He is gay because his physical and emotional attraction goes out to those with the same, (male) genitalia. I once asked someone why they were straight and they answered, "because i like guys?" (she was a female) so the same goes for your son.
Aug 19, 2015
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People cannot control their sexual orientations and attractions. Sexuality is a diverse thing, think of it as a kinsey scale. Everyone fits somewhere on that scale, but not everyone fits in the same place. Assuming you're heterosexual, ask yourself why you are straight? There's no right or wrong answer to that question. You can research sexuality more online to better understand it but there's nothing that makes someone gay.
Oct 23, 2015
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He's gay because thats how he was born, and nothing to do with parental or how he was brought up, or the things he does, being gay is not a choice, that I can safely say from personal experience. If you need someone to chat to about it, feel free to message me, or contact an organisation like the trevor project, who will be able to help explain what is happening, and help guide you to appropriate local organisations
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