Why do I have to constantly prove to people im Bi?
Mar 4, 2015
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It's true that many people straight and gay alike will try to convince a bi person that they are either gay or straight. The truth is that no one knows whether you are or not, other than yourself, and why try to prove it? In my experience, people generally stick to what they believe, and it's given me peace to let go and allow them to believe what they want, all the while knowing what my own truth is.
Apr 13, 2015
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Some people don't understand what it is to be bisexual. They don't know how someone could like both men and women and they feel the need to question that.
Apr 22, 2015
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People tend to have a preoccupation with your "present" situation. If you're with the same sex, you're homosexual; with the opposite sex, heterosexual. This is problematic since this leads to bi erasure and leaves you feeling like you have to prove that you like both, even if you haven't dated at all or only dated one gender. Your sexuality is valid.
May 6, 2015
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Because people want to taunt you and be mean. Just ignore those people. Ignorance shouldn't be responded to. It does no good.
Jul 20, 2015
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You don't. I am bisexual and open about it and there is nothing to prove. If you tell someone and there response is, "prove it" then that is all about them and has nothing to do with you.
Nov 25, 2015
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People just love to put people in one category or another. It's just human nature. This sounds like something that could be really annoying to have to deal with all the time. What do your friends say?
Dec 15, 2015
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You don't have to. Maybe because they don't believe you, but that's inappropriate. Whoever you tell should believe you. But you can always just say, "No. I'm Bi, and I don't need to prove it to you because I'm telling you now that I am."
Aug 29, 2016
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Sadly because people think that bi is a made up thing so you always have to prove to people that it's real
Sep 4, 2016
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There has been a lot of misunderstanding between being gay/lesbian and being bi that there are times when you tell people that they are Bi they would normally ask you what it is and how does it work. Just feel free to feed the curiosity of other people and don't be enraged when they don't completely get the idea and understand that they do not know what it's like to be one.
Oct 25, 2016
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The answer is....you don't! It's either believe it with your own eyes or not! A good example of this is with those who believe in God. They believe in something they never saw before by writing or conversations, or there are others that don't believe because it isn't "proven enough" to them. You can feel free stating you are Bi, but proving it every time is just annoying for you I see, and therefore you are just coming across ignorant fellows. :)
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