How do you know if your bisexual?
299 Answers
Moderated by Joe Nelson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Doctor of Social Work
Updated: Aug 2, 2020
Jan 11, 2018 more
If you feel the same sorts of romantic (or sexual) feelings for males and females, then that most likely means that you're bisexual. Only you can know for sure!
Jan 12, 2018 more
Bisexuality is experiencing sexual attraction to both binary genders (male and female). So if you feel attracted to both boys and girls, you may be bisexual. However, if you feel attracted to non-binary and intersex people as well, you may be closer to pansexual (pan - all, bi - two)
Jan 12, 2018 more
if you are sexually attracted to both the genders and feel the need to be in a sexual relationship with them, you are bisexual
Jan 19, 2018 more
To realise what is your sexuality is something that takes time so, first of all, be patient. Something that really helped me realising that I was bisexual was reading about it and watching YouTube videos about people who were struggling with their sexuality. If you know some LGBT people, talk to them! They can help you understand yourself. I hope you find out who you are soon :)
Feb 1, 2018 more
if i am a bisexual than i will feel sexual desires for both men and women . Both of them will give me equal vibes . It will be really difficult to choose any one as final and to swear that i will not think about other. It will not make difference for me to be with girl or boy.
Feb 1, 2018 more
If you find yourself sexually attracted to both men and women, then you are bisexual. If you are having doubts about your sexuality, ask yourself why you're having doubts, and don't be afraid to experiment a little bit if need be.
Feb 4, 2018 more
If you experience any sort of attraction to people of two or more genders. Bisexuality is a valid identity and you are not confused or greedy for feeling this way
Feb 7, 2018 more
How you know if you're bisexual... you know that butterfly feeling you get? When you get a huge crush? You get that about boys and girls. For me mostly girls.
Feb 10, 2018 more
Bisexual is a term used for people who are sexually attracted to both the male and female genders. If you experience sexual feeling towards both sexes, than you could be bisexual. Bisexual does not mean you have to like both genders equally, you could like one more than the other, but you would still be bisexual. Also, some people experience sexual attraction to one gender, and romantic attraction towards both, and vice versa. A biromantic person is someone who is romantically attracted to both sexes. Just know that you don't have to put a label on yourself, and sexuality is a very fluid thing that may change over time, so just be you!
Feb 11, 2018 more
If you are attracted to both male and female people, or two types of gender (like female and nonbinary people), then you're bisexual. You can also have a preference towards one specific gender, yet at the same time still be attracted to another.
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