How can the T and Q in LGBTQ be better considered and understood by average people?
Apr 1, 2015 more
T stands for transgender- people who were assigned a gender when they were born, but don't identify with this gender. Q stands for queer, or questioning, and are people who are simply not cis, or not straight, or don't know!
Apr 4, 2015 more
Remember that sexuality is a broad spectrum and not just categories to be dropped into. These names are made so that members of the LGBTQ can be understood or give an answer to someone asking their sexuality. (T)rans and (Q)uestioning are apart of this spectrum, but there are so many more. To be better understood, one must educate themselves on sexuality and what it really means to be LGBTQ.
Feb 1, 2016 more
Better awareness, but through good and accurate representation. Think Orange is the New Black, rather than say, The Danish Girl or sitcoms that use trans people as a cheap joke. We need to be normalised and accepted as what we are, just regular people trying to get by.
Sep 24, 2019
LGBTQ+ Issues Expert more
The key word is awareness. Many people misjudge some realities just because they don't know them well enough to understand what it really means. That's why it's important to spread knowledge about the trans reality, what it means in physical, psychological, social terms. You can do that by talking about it with the people around you, by promoting and participating to LGBT groups and initiatives, by spreading awareness on social media or any other contexts you find yourself in. And above all, by not staying silent in front of transphobia. We're all part of the change!
Apr 29, 2015 more
Television and pop culture greatly influence how people think about the LGBT community. I would argue that Ellen DeGeneres has done more to foster acceptance for the queer community than lawmakers have. People need to put a face to an issue.
Once people start seeing trans people on television, their perceptions start to change. Then, when they meet someone in real life who is trans, they have a frame of reference.
As of right now, there is a likable trans character on Orange is The New Black, and a famous hollywood director, Lana(Larry) Wachowski, had a sex change operation a few years ago.
May 3, 2015 more
I think that the best way is to share resources that educate people. A lot of people don't understand because they haven't heard about it before, or have only seen what the media shows. Try your best to spread educational sites and apps that teach people what being trans and queer really mean, and that would be at least a step in the right direction!
Nov 10, 2015 more
it is part of the LGBTQ community because trangender people are not cis gender. therefore, the are accepted by most LGBTQ
Jan 11, 2016 more
What's needed is exposure, and the right kind. Not all this sensationalized media nonsense that's being thrown around, but actual, normal transpeople helping cisgender and other non-binary people to understand what it really means to be trans*. That day will come, eventually.
Jan 12, 2016 more
Well unfortunately some people don't want to understand or educate themselves on the transgender and questioning spectrum of the LGBTQ+ community. One can't make someone believe anything, yes, we all want a better mutual respect, but sometimes it's not like that. Hopefully it will get to the point in which everyone is better respected, but only time will tell. I hope this helped :)
Feb 6, 2017 more
Well no one is really Q, but Trans do get a lot of attention Trans get to chose the life they want like how we choose our colleges or spouses.
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