How can I explain homosexuality to my parents?
220 Answers
Moderated by Danielle Johnson, MSED, Community mental Health Counseling, LMHC
Updated: Apr 29, 2022
Jan 13, 2018 more
Tell them that you were born the way you are, and that you love the same sex like your parents love the opposite. It's no different, and nor are you now that you're open about your sexuality.
Jan 20, 2018 more
Explain that it is not a choice. Some believe that one chooses to be homosexual, but countering this with "if gay people don't enjoy the same rights, and are treated badly by society, then why on earth would anyone ever choose to be gay?". Ensure to explain that it is no-one's fault - it is simply the way you are, and there's nothing wrong with that. Be sure to emphasise that people will sometimes create bogus stories, such as the AIDs controversy and the idea that homosexuals causes natural disasters (some people believe these, amazingly). Your parents will probably know some of the info already, but answering any questions they have will be helpful to you all!
Jan 20, 2018 more
Well when you are ready, I would explain to them that homosexuality is not a choice but that you were born that way. Nothing is wrong with being gay
Jan 24, 2018 more
honestly you just tell them that anyone can love anyone .no one chooses to be homosexual youre born that way and its okay
Jan 28, 2018 more
They've likely already heard of homosexuality, but they may have twisted ideas about what it means. Explain that homosexuality is not a sexual perversion and means the same kind of love and attraction as straight people.
Jan 31, 2018 more
Sit them down and tell them then explain what it is and how you feel and if they get mad. Leave them alone and give them time to think and if they don't come around, don't get sad. Just keep your head held high and accept it and give it time.
Feb 1, 2018 more
simply say "mom, dad, i'm gay. it means i'm attracted to the same gender as me. i hope you will be accepting."
Feb 3, 2018 more
I would recommend sitting down with them calmly and talking it out. Try to explain to them who you are and that you have always been that way. If they are a little hesitant try to remember that they did grow up in a different time then we are so it might take them a little bit of time to understand.
Feb 10, 2018 more
Its depends on the person. Just explain that you might love someone of the same sex, but this does not change who you are as a person, and it also doesn't make you love your parents any less. There are lots of great websites dedicated to the parents of homosexuals, so maybe have them check one of those out!
Feb 11, 2018 more
Homosexuality is basically just being attracted to the same gender as you, instead of being attracted to the opposite, and you can't control who you like or love, so you could possibly tell them that, but it's really up to you, as how you go about explaining it it depends on how supportive they are of LGBTQ+ people, and how they react. You could also show them articles and/or documentaries on this, which might help them understand it a bit better.
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