Why do I want bad things to happen to me?
May 5, 2015
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It's really weird to think that someone would want to have something bad happen to them, yes. I often feel the same way and it seems illogical. For me, I think that I would like to be hurt, for example in an accident, in order to get attention, to avoid responsibillities and have an excuse, and from feeling guilty because many people have bad things happen to them everyday. Why should they get hurt instead of me? Maybe also because of self destructive or suicidal like reasons. Like you would like to die, but don't want to do it yourself.
Jul 21, 2015
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Because I believe I deserve them. Because I have failed myself and others and I am unworthy of goodness. Because others are worth more than me and they should be happy. Misery is to be expected for me.
May 13, 2015
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Wanting bad things to happen to yourself can be thought of a form of self-punishment. Often times people with these thoughts or feelings have something on their mind they feel uneasy about; it could be anything from a fight with a loved one, to feeling inadequate, to something they feel they have done wrong.
If you are having feelings you want something bad to happen to you, I encourage you to consider what has brought you to that place in your mind. If you want something bad to happen try to work out why you want something to happen; what is the purpose of this thing happening to you, and how will you feel afterward? Do you feel as if you deserve it, if so, why? If something bad happens to you what positive changes will come out of it?
As you work through these thoughts and feelings you may begin to realize that by wanting something bad to happen to yourself it gives you a sense of 'fairness' toward an event or situation you have dealt with in the past. By having something bad happen to you your 'negative scales' are balanced (i.e., 'One bad thing for them, one bad thing for me'). As you begin to work through these thoughts and feelings hopefully you realize this is not a healthy or productive way to manage your feelings or emotions. Two wrongs do not make a right, and by having something bad happen to yourself it does not restore any form of karmic balance.
With thoughts and feelings like this, often times it is something you are carrying with you which you have not resolved and worked through. Forgiveness is not just for other people, it is for ourselves too.
Nov 30, 2016
Getting Unstuck Expert
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I have experienced the same feelings. I'll wish that I would get cancer or crash my car or get mugged. I know why I feel that way at times: it would be something else to worry about, something concrete and right in front of me, not something abstract like school, money, depression, etc. Perhaps that is why you feel that way, or maybe it's another reason. Maybe you feel like you deserve to be punished. Regardless of the reasoning, you should reflect on these feelings and get to the root of them so you can address the stemming issue.
May 11, 2018
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Maybe because you think you deserve it, maybe because you just need something, a reason to be sad because sadness is so addicting, you want a cause because simply being sad when nothing has happened seems pointless and pathetic
Feb 17, 2015
Getting Unstuck Expert
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Sometimes the path to happiness is a very bumpy road. When bad things happen, we tend to get more support and attention from loved ones, have some leeway to relax and treat ourselves more than usual. It also gives us a thrill - yes, even the really bad things - and events naturally add to our life story, making us interesting and shaping us as people. Sometimes we can overindulge on that attention and can find it difficult to get back to the strict routine that is normal, daily life. On the other hand, you could have a problem with self-worth and self-confidence and professional therapy is the best way to go for that.
Jan 28, 2017
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Wanting bad things to happen to you could be because you're in pain, you're hurt, sad or angry. You might want the people closest to you to notice, show they care and they're concerned, it could be a cry for help. It sounds like you could be experiencing depression. It's best to get professional help before something bad happens. Stay well!
Sep 24, 2016
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A lot of reasons. Do you feel more alive when you're feeling down? Do you obtain awareness/inspiration from it? Do you like the stories you can tell others?
Dec 7, 2015
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That can be a self destructive thought process, a form of self harming. You don't feel you have much self worth and that you deserve only bad things. I would recommend seeing someone for help.
Dec 28, 2018
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I have the same issue that I'm currently trying to work out. I sometimes hope for bad things like a car accident or maybe I'll break a bone. Personally, I think for me it's about gaining attention and having people put my needs first. Regardless of whether this is true or not, I feel like I always put others before myself, and I never get the same reception. That in turn makes me dream up ways in which I would be a priority to people in my life: aka getting seriously sick or injured. I wish I knew a better way of dealing with it or how to help you, but I'm stuck with these thoughts too and it's a vicious cycle
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